Nyhet -

Covid-19 efforts in the region - May update

New collaborations and initiatives focusing on diagnostics, treatment, and cure of Covid-19 patients continue to arise. Alongside, other initiatives and studies – focusing on life along and after the pandemic also start to appear. A few examples of what goes on in the region are collected here.

Academic research and collaborations on Covid-19 and the new corona virus:

  • Karolinska Institutet Covid-19 Resource Hub
    KTH research and initiatives on the novel corona virus and Covid-19
    SciLifeLab efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic including SciLifeLab Covid-19 action plan
    • SU news related to the corona virus
  • Vinnova finances innovation in the wake of Covid-19
    18 projects will receive funding to contribute to rapid and sustainable transition in the wake of the corona crisis. New solutions are needed both to meet the urgent and the longer-term needs that arise in the aftermath of the crisis. The projects that have been granted financing will contribute to a rapid and sustainable transition in everything from diagnostics and treatment of Covid-19 to new solutions for coordinated home deliveries and digital tourism. Read more >>

    SciLifeLab COVID-19 testing up and running at high speed
    Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, SciLifeLab, along with its host universities Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Karolinska Institutet and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, has participated in the ongoing battle, setting up large-scale Covid-19 testing and analysis capabilities, as well as facilitating research to gain better insights into the disease. The efforts have been coordinated with the Public Health Agency, the healthcare regions, Akademiska sjukhuset, Karolinska University Hospital, Genomic Medicine Sweden and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. Analysis of samples is since mid-May up and running according to plan. Read more >>

    KTH develop detection of Covid-19 in Stockholm sewage water
    Development of an early warning system for Covid-19 outbreaks continues to move forward. Researchers at KTH reported they have successfully isolated and concentrated coronavirus RNA from wastewater samples in Stockholm. This is a first step toward an early-warning system for new waves of the disease. Read more >>

    Relaterade länkar


    • Universitet, högskola


    • Stockholm


    Anna Frejd

    Presskontakt Kommunikationschef Marknadsföring och kommunikation +46 705 39 00 79

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