Pressmeddelande -

Svenska Brukarföreningen och FN:s kommission om Mänskliga Rättigheter

FN:s specielle rapportör:
På en internationell konferens i Barcelona (maj 08) höll FN:s specielle rapportör Paul Hunt en presentation med anledning av hans arbete med att granska Sverige, läs nedan:
When I was on that committee [UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights],
my colleagues and I received a very large
number of ‘shadow reports' from NGOs on many countries and on
many issues - from domestic violence to the right to education and the right
to the highest attainable standard of health.
But I have no recollection of ever receiving any NGO information about
harm reduction and the human rights of those who use drugs.
I am pleased to report that this is changing. Last year, for example,
the Swedish Drug Users Union, and the International Harm Reduction
Association, submitted a ‘shadow report' to a United Nations human
rights treaty-body.
In 2006, the Swedish Government invited me to look at the right to health in Sweden.
My UN report gives the Government credit for a standard of living, life expectancy
and health status that is among the best in the world. But my report also highlights
some significant problems.
For example, I was surprised and disappointed to find a seriously inadequate
approach to harm reduction. So my UN report reminds the Swedish Government of its
right to health responsibility to ensure implementation of a national, comprehensive harm
reduction policy, throughout the country, as a matter of priority.

Här är en sammanställning om arbetet Svenska Brukarföreningen och IHRA gjort i vårt cooperation.

Berne Stålenkrantz & Damon Barretts orala presentation inför "the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights" (Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights) i Genevé 26 november 2007 i samband med att första rapporten presenterades.
Presentation -

1a:Rapporten -

FN-kommitténs frågor till Svenska Regeringen -

Regeringens svar på frågorna ställda av the "UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights" -

2a: Rapporten - komplettering av första rapporten med anledning av Regeringes svar -

3 november var Berne Stålenkrantz och Christina Paulsrud (ordf Stockholms Brukarförening) på plats i Genevé för det andra mötet, regeringsrepresentanter fanns också plats. På plats ställde tre kommittéledamöter tre stycken frågor: Vi återkommer snart med svaren på frågorna.

Övrig intressant information - Internationella Röda-Korsets Rome Consensus -