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Emilia Elfvik – Pushing Embroidery from Ung Svensk Form 2020
Emilia Elfvik – Pushing Embroidery from Ung Svensk Form 2020

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Ung Svensk Form 2020 – Meet the winners and scholarship recipients

It is our great pleasure at Svensk Form to present the 25 young designers who have won this year's national design award Ung Svensk Form. Among the 25 participants are also the four designers who have received scholarships from our partners IKEA, Arvet, Lammhults Möbel and Kvadrat. The exhibition will be shown at ArkDes from 4 February to 22 March 2020.

– This year’s edition of Ung Svensk Form offers the audience a thought-provoking and sensational journey into the borderland between utopia and dystopia. It is obvious that the need to comment on both present and future phenomena is strong whether it is furniture design, visual communication or speculative design, says Mats Widbom, CEO of Svensk Form.

– Young designers have an impressive ability to raise important issues with intelligence, curiosity and humor. Ung Svensk Form 2020 offers world-class craftsmanship and a sense of material, says Karin Wiberg, project manager at Ung Svensk Form.

Ung Svensk Form 2020 scholarship recipients
IKEA award a work scholarship complete with salary and accommodation for 5 months at IKEA of Sweden in Älmhult. This year's scholarship goes to Lisa Lindh and Klara W. Hedengren for their project Kolonn.

Arvet award a work scholarship of SEK 50,000 within architecture and the study of wood construction. This year's scholarship goes to AnnaMia Lindblom for her project I came, I saw, I sewed.

Lammhults Möbel award a scholarship including material, a cash sum as well as the chance to exhibit in Lammhult’s showroom in Stockholm. This year's scholarship goes to Erika Geiger Ohlin for her project Uncanny Traces.

Kvadrat award a scholarship including material, a cash sum as well as the chance to exhibit in Kvadrat’s showroom in Stockholm. This year's scholarship goes to Oscar Wall for his project Rya Chair.

Full list of Ung Svensk Form 2020 winners

Camilla Arnbert – Surfaced Print

Karin Andersson & Johanna Bratel – Friendship Square

Elias Båth – Död Mark

Mattis Dallmann – WITH / OUT

Evelina Dovsten – Every sampling is a testimony

Emilia Elfvik – Pushing Embroidery

Jesper Eriksson – Coal: Post-Fuel // A New Social Relation

Sofia Eriksson – Bodybuilding Mirrors

Sara-Lovise Ask Ewertson – Puffer-jacket-soft-squad, pure sculpture!

Leo Fidjeland & Linnea Våglund – Pink Chicken Project

Erika Geiger Ohlin – Uncanny Traces

Gustaf Helsing – Anxious Rugs

Coby Huang – R.O.S.P – Ritual of Sexual Pleasure

AnnaMia Lindblom – I came, I saw, I sewed

Lisa Lindh & Klara W. Hedengren – KOLONN

Nils Lilja & Marcelo Rovira Torres – No Composition

Julia Olanders – Betweenness

Erik Olsson – BOJSKAUT

Mattias Pettersson – Alien Worrior Princess

Tilda Ragnartz – Hot Movie New Popular Fullhd

Kajsa Samuelsson – Beginning Middle And

Kitty Schumacher – DESIRE_LINES

Matilda Ellow – SELF TITLED

Mattias Selldén – Mix Sushi

Oscar Wall – Rya Chair

Press images: 

For more information regarding all projects, as well as jury citations:

The Ung Svensk Form jury consists of:
Samir Alj Fält, Parasto Backman, Caroline B. Le Bongoat, Johan Deurell, Linnéa Therese Dimitriou, Salka Hallström, Tom Hedqvist, Åsa Jungnelius, Henrik Johansson, Nike Karlsson, Petra Lilja, Tor Lindstrand, Bea Szenfeld and Mats Widbom.

After ArkDes the exhibition will tour in Sweden.

Tour 2020:
4 February – 22 March ArkDes, Stockholm
9 April – 4 June IKEA Museum, Älmhult 
13 June – 16 August Form/Design Center, Malmö
27 August – 22 September Utopia galleria, Umeå (dates TBC)
3 October – Röhsska Museum, Gothenburg (end date TBC)

About Ung Svensk Form (Young Swedish Design)
Ung Svensk Form is an annual juried award and a travelling exhibition whose purpose is to broaden and deepen knowledge about young and innovative Swedish design. Ung Svensk Form highlights our desire to create and explore freely, without the need for market adaptation. The project was initiated in 1998 by Svensk Form and Form/Design Center in Malmö. Many of our previous participants are now well established in their respective areas. Ung Svensk Form / Young Swedish Design 2020 is a co-production by Svensk Form (The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design) and ArkDes with support from IKEA, IKEA Museum and The City of Malmö.

For more information, please contact:

Karin Wiberg
​Project Manager, Ung Svensk Form
​+46 (0)70 365 63 25

Emma Olofsson
​Communications Manager, Svensk Form
+46 (0)72 323 31 48


Svensk Form är en ideell oberoende medlemsförening för privatpersoner, företag och yrkesverksamma inom form, design och arkitektur. Föreningen grundades 1845 som Svenska Slöjdföreningen och har sedan dess främjat design i Sverige och utomlands. Svensk Form ger ut tidningen Form sedan 1905.


Axel Swanstein

Axel Swanstein

Presskontakt PR & utvecklingschef 0702972212

I samtiden sedan 1845

Svensk Form, grundad 1845, är en ideell medlemsförening med regeringsuppdrag att skapa engagemang och belysa de möjligheter design kan ge för individen, samhället, kulturen och näringslivet. Genom att stärka medvetenheten om och driva utvecklingen av god design i produkter, tjänster och miljöer verkar vi för ett hållbart samhälle.

Svensk Form

Svensksundsvägen 13
111 49 Stockholm