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Be a Voice Not an Echo

Be a Voice Not an Echo

Tid 27 Februari 2019 18:00 – 20:00

Plats Elite Hotel Stockholm Plaza Birger Jarlsgatan 29 111 45 Stockholm

"Draw out the magnificent potential you behold"

Leadership over oneself and one's team is a critical skill in business. As an acclaimed and highly experiences business mentor Mark brings invaluable coaching lessons to the stage.

Mark shares lessons on how he has pivoted and built the foundations of his life and business in a way people can relate and be shown key strategies in navigating through a tough life and business terrain.

Mark Sephton is an international mentor to entrepreneurs, an acclaimed radio and TV show host, and a top-selling author. His 2014 debut book " Inside Job " was met with immediate praise in business communities across the globe resulting in the release of his second and most recent book "Plot Twist".

Mark's love for entrepreneurship is demonstrated by his TV show " One More Round " on the Direct Sales TV Network Via Apple TV. When not on the big screen, Mark is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine and a speaker for corporate events, entrepreneurship summits, and major conferences worldwide. His expertise in personal and professional development has positioned him as an expert in the industry, resulting in transformational experiences for audiences, clients, and businesses alike. Drawing from personal experience, Mark has taken the essence of what he has experienced and formed a business which helps draw out the magnificent potential that every person beholds.

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Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Presskontakt VD 0761103737

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Swedish Wealth Institute är ett eventföretag och nätverk som samarbetar med talare ifrån hela världen som jobbar med föreläsningar och utbildningar.
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Alla delarna är viktiga för att vi ska må bra men vi mår bara så bra som vår lägsta zon. Därför är det viktigt att vi fokuserar på de delarna där vi mår mindre bra och kommer på så sätt att lyfta hela vår grund energi nivå.
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Swedish Wealth Institute
Hablingbo Simes 432
62342 Havdhem