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Zuckerberg Institute Presents

Zuckerberg Institute Presents

Tid 25 September 2019 18:00 – 21:00

Plats Kejsergade 2 Gråbrødretorv 1155 Copenhagen K

"Entrepreneurs are a majordriving force of wealth generation and job creation in our global economy"

Founded by entrepreneur, investor, award-winning producer, international bestselling author, creator of Facebook Live, and CEO/founder of Zuckerberg Media, Randi Zuckerberg, #RISETOGETHER provides expert knowledge, experience, support and opportunity for entrepreneurs who are sick of the status quo.

Zuckerberg Institute exists to empower and enrich a new generation of entrepreneurs. If you're building a business alone, transitioning into a new career, or ready to take the next step in your company-#RISETOGETHER is for you.

Entrepreneurs are a major driving force of wealth generation and job creation in our global economy; and yet

  • 1 in 3 entrepreneurs suffer from depression and express loneliness in their work when polled,
  • Entrepreneurs are more worried and stressed than all other workers, leading to fatigue and failure, and
  • An entrepreneur's confidence usually only thinly veils a dire need of structure, moral support and industry-specific guidance.

To combat these problems, Randi and the ZI team, created the best possible solution-#RISETOGETHER.

This course teaches the Institute's core curriculum of #Enrichuals (habits & exercises) guaranteed to increase your value, while introducing you to a small, dedicated team of peers.

During #RISETOGETHER, you will be working alongside mentors who have built multi-million, and even billion-dollar businesses. Together, you will take action and be held accountable within a supportive community to drive your business to the next level!

Do you think you need an MBA and can't afford it? Get real-world skills and support from world-renowned entrepreneurs for a fraction of the cost of an MBA. Join us!

From all of us here at the Institute, we are thrilled to have you on board and to the brightest possible future together. Welcome to the family.

57 Days

03 Hours

04 Minutes

01 Second

Click Here For SignUp



Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Presskontakt VD 0761103737

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Swedish Wealth Institute är ett eventföretag och nätverk som samarbetar med talare ifrån hela världen som jobbar med föreläsningar och utbildningar.
Kanske känner du till livshjulet eller påverkanshjulet? Hjulet är indelade i olika delar av vårt liv. Relationer, ekonomi, personlig utveckling, karriär, spirituell utveckling, fysisk och psykisk hälsa.
Alla delarna är viktiga för att vi ska må bra men vi mår bara så bra som vår lägsta zon. Därför är det viktigt att vi fokuserar på de delarna där vi mår mindre bra och kommer på så sätt att lyfta hela vår grund energi nivå.
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Swedish Wealth Institute

Hablingbo Simes 432
62342 Havdhem