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Ärlighetens och grymhetens ansikte.

Offbeat news + graphic T-shirt = T-post, the world's first wearable magazine. Every six weeks, subscribers receive a new issue in the mail. News story on the inside. Artist interpretation on the front. All-around conversation piece.

Issue # 42 "The Face of Honesty and Evil"
Once again blessing us with its beacon of light, science has recently uncovered findings of immeasurable value to everyone from used car salesmen to Casanovas. Two different research teams, independent of each other, have developed computer generated images that settles the score on an ancient mystery: what the worlds most evil and most honest faces look like! (More>>

Design By Eem
Eem is the design studio of Emmanuel Bossuet & Marie Laure Bellanger. The Paris/France-based duo is working on a wide range of projects, involving pattern design, iconography, product design and architectural ornaments.

They are perhaps best known for their luxury-oriented work for high-end jewelry and fashion brands such as Cartier, Sonia Rykiel and Swarovski.

For this issue they've created a ‘mask' print with inspiration from the manner of Italian Renaissance, but interlaced with a radiating pattern. "The aim of this conception was to reveal the interaction between the cognitive processes and the universal seek for decorative - i.e. logic - structures in nature. What's in a decor? The engaging stimulus conveying harmony or just its exact opposite, the signal of very immediate danger? One could wonder... especially when strolling through Château de Versailles." Check out:

T-post Philosophy
There are t-shirts that can inspire a conversation. And there are t-shirts that can inspire a movement. T-post was created to do both. With T-Post, it's not just what your t-shirt says about you or the artist who designed it, but also what your t-shirt says about the world. More than just a fashion piece, T-post uses great design as a subversive tool to instigate meaningful thought, conversation, and action. It's a communication experiment that typically begins with a compliment like "Nice shirt" and continues with the wearer explaning the interesting news story behind the design.

How it all got started.
The idea was bornback in 2004 as a fun project amongst friends. We started out by making the first issue in just 5 copies. But the word began to spread and the rest, as they say, is history. Today T-post is distributed to over 50 countries. A subscription costs 26 EUR per T-shirt, and can be delivered anywhere in the world. All shipping costs are included in that price. For more information please visit or/and contact us at


  • Design


  • kommunikation
  • mode
  • nyhet
  • nyheter
  • prenumeration
  • tidning
  • kläder
  • design
  • illustration
  • t-shirt