Pressmeddelande -
Taiwan tar ansvar för att fastställa en global standard för LED-belysning
Internationella belysningskommissionen (CIE), tillkännagav tidigare denna månad att Taiwan är ledande inom den världsomspännande LED-industrin. Taiwan kommer nu att ta ansvar för att fastställa en global standard för LED-belysning.
Nyheten i fulltext, publicerad iTaiwan Today:
Taiwan takes charge in setting global LED lighting standards
Taiwan’s leadership of the worldwide light-emitting diode industry was recognized earlier this month by the Vienna-based International Commission on Illumination (CIE), which tasked two technical bodies overseen by ROC nationals with setting global LED lighting standards.
“This development reflects the technical expertise of Taiwan’s LED sector, and will give local firms an edge in the international marketplace,” said Chu Hsin-sen, executive vice president of the Hsinchu-based Industrial Technology Research Institute, July 26.
Chu, who doubles as chairman of CIE Taiwan, said ITRI researcher Yu Hsueh-ling is heading the Committee on Photometry of Curved and Flexible Organic LED and LED Sources, with ITRI researcher Chou Pei-ting overseeing the Committee on Characterization of Alternate Current-Driven LED Products for Solid State Lighting Applications.
CIE-initiated measurement standards and guidelines are widely accepted by the International Standard Organization and the International Electrotechnical Commission, Chu added.
Although Taiwan only became a member of the CIE last year, Chu said, the country is setting the pace for other LED heavyweights through homegrown proposals such as the technical bodies.
CIE members, comprising research organizations and businesses from Australia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, the U.S. and mainland China, have been invited to participate in the committees. They are expected to finish formulating LED product standards by around 2016, according to CIE Taiwan.
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- Miljö, energi
- framsteg
- internationell handel
- lysdiodteknik
- ljus
- produktion
- industri
- kina
- asien
- världsledande
- belysningssystem
- belysningsteknik
- belysning
- elektronik
- international electrotechnical commission
- international standard organization
- committee on photometry of curved and flexible organic
- industrial technology research institute
- chu hsin-sen
- wien
- republiken kina
- light emitting diode
- international commission on illumination
- taiwan
- cie
- lysdiodslampor
- lysdiod
- el
- led
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