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Aros Technology Partner acquires Tritech Technology together with Tritech’s management team

Aros Technology Partner (ATP) have, together with the Tritech management acquired Tritech Technology AB from funds under control of private equity firm CapMan plc. Tritech is one of the leading services and solutions suppliers in embedded systems development. Tritech comprises some 100 employees with offices in Stockholm and in Linköping. ATP is parent company to Deva Mecaneyes, a Västerås based consultancy firm in mechanical engineering, electricity and automation and production development, with some 35 employees. 

”Embedded systems, especially related to machine-machine (M2M), is an interesting niche with a substantial growth potential over the next coming years. Tritech has been active in this area for a long period of time, and has gained skills and relevant references, which will be possible to take on to new customers and industry verticals. I also see possibilities for co-operation between Tritech and Deva Mecaneyes, to the benefits of both parties”, says Stelio Demark, chairman of the Board in both Tritech and Deva Mecaneyes.

”Tritech gets a long term main owner who has ambition and interest to develop the company’s core business and offerings. Also our participation in company ownership will strengthen the long term perspective”, states Tritech’s management team 

For more information please contact

Stelio Demark, chairman of the Board, Tritech Technology AB, +46 706060104

Hans-Erik Wikman, CEO, Tritech Technology AB, +46 73352222

About Tritech Technology AB

Tritech Technology AB is a comprehensive supplier of qualified services and solutions for electronic product development, maintenance and manufacturing. We help our customers increase their profitability by delivering highly skilled technical competence, efficient working procedures and creativity. We are some 100 employees with offices in Stockholm and Linköping. We turn technology into business.

About Aros Technology Partner AB

Aros Technology Partner AB (ATP) is an investment company active in Swedish high tech companies with potential for substantial growth. Main owners in ATP are Deva Group AB and Amymone AB.


  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • solutions
  • consulting

Tritech erbjuder lösningar, produkter och tjänster inom maskin-till maskin kommunikation, ofta genom trådlösa lösningar. Vi arbetar med utveckling, förvaltning och produktion av industriella produkter. Produkter som ska uppfylla flera krav på en och samma gång - trådlös åtkomst, höga krav på säkerhet och tillförlitlighet samt skall kunna produceras i stora volymer. Gemensamt för flera av produkterna är att de utgör en integrerad del av ett större system där utrustning, människor och IT-system samverkar.