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Smart Meter Communications leader Tritech Products AB changes name to Connode AB

Tritech Products AB has changed name to Connode AB. The change is made in order to have a unique, protected company name and brand that can serve as a platform for further growth and expansion on the international market. Tritech has delivered mesh-radio based communication solutions since 2006, with Smart Metering as the key market.

“We will increase our turnover with 100% this year, with good profitability.” Says Connode’s CEO, Mats Berthem. "This is largely due to our success on the key Finnish market, where we have some 25% market share. A number of large-scale Smart Metering projects are currently planned both in the EU and globally. We anticipate a continued strong growth in coming years and intend to be part of every major Smart Grid deployment in EMEA.”



  • Data, Telekom, IT


  • Stockholm

Connode AB (formerly Tritech Products AB) is the leading supplier in Europe of wireless communication products for Smart Metering, acting as an OEM and technology supplier to major system vendors active on the rapidly expanding Smart Grid market. Connode 3.0 (formerly Meshnet 3.0) is the result of 10 years development of large-scale wireless mesh networks. Since 2006 our customers in Sweden, Finland, Norway, U.K. and the Netherlands have deployed or ordered some 400.000 Connode-enabled Smart Meters. Connode AB is a part of Swedish Tritech Technology AB, founded in 1991 with HQ in Stockholm and owned by Capman, a leading Nordic investment company with approx. €3.5 billion in capital.