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ITTAC visits north Sweden for winter test collaboration, May 29 - June 6, 2010

Start: 2010-05-29 08:00 End: 2010-06-06 20:00

Leading members and office bearers of ITTAC (Indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee) are currently visiting northern Sweden under the sponsorship of Västerbotten Investment Agency (VIA) and Invest Sweden to pursue winter testing collaborations.

The ITTAC team will meet winter test companies in Västerbotten and Norrbotten, as well as visit Luleå University of Technology to learn more about the research conducted at the university related to testing and traffic safety.

In addition, The ITTAC team will also discuss co-operation related to tyre research and tyre recycling in Sweden.

Västerbotten Investment Agency and Invest Sweden are working closely with ITTAC to facilitate this partnership.

For More Information Please Contact
Mr. Olof Norberg, Investment Manager, Automotive, Västerbotten Investment Agency.
Mobile +46 70-611 17 00

Mr. Anders Wangby, Director, Västerbotten Investment Agency, Phone direct +46 910 71 26 81 Mobile +46 70 595 19 30

Mr.S.R.Venkatesan, BU Head - Automotive, Invest Sweden, India, Phone +91 80 4123 4599 Mobile +91 99 8003 4599


  • Motor


  • automotive industry
  • winter testing
  • tyre
  • testing
  • research traffic safety
  • luleå university of technology
  • västerbotten investment agency
  • invest sweden
  • ittac
  • india


  • Utanför Sverige


ITTAC – Establishes Standards in terms of common basic dimensions for tyres ensuring interchangeability. ITTAC has Sub- Committees with Technical experts from member companies along with representatives of major manufacturers of these components.

About Västerbotten Investment Agency

Västerbotten Investment Agency (VIA) is a regional investment promotion agency dedicated to make the Västerbotten province the most attractive choice for foreign investors and companies thinking about establishing or expanding their business operations in Sweden. With expertise in several key sectors, VIA offers information about business opportunities as well as assistance throughout the investment and establishment process. VIA is a regional partner to the government agency Invest Sweden.