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xNomad 'Win a Pop-Up' Competition

xNomad 'Win a Pop-Up' Competition

Tid 12 December 2022 00:00 – 30 December 2022 00:00

In honor of Stockholm Fashion Week, we have teamed up with Next Gen Retail Hub to set up a one-of-a-kind competition, where you have the opportunity to win a free pop-up space for your brand, during the midst of the busiest retail week of the year.

© xNomad - No Ordinary Scent

Stockholm Fashion Week is surely one of the busiest time periods within the retail industry - and thus the perfect opportunity to maximize your brand exposure towards a shopping-happy target audience. We are in honor of Stockholm Fashion Week excited to announce a competition in partnership with Next Gen Retail Hub, where you have the unique opportunity to win a free pop-up space during Stockholm Fashion Week in February 2023.

In selecting the winner of the competition, we are searching for the most innovative, thought-provoking and driven retail brands, where the winner will get the opportunity to showcase their offering in a carefully curated pop-up space, located in the heart of Södermalm, Stockholm.

© xNomad - Vintage Sale

To enter the competition, you simply submit a short statement about your business concept and a brief motivation in this form by 18 December 2022. Our panel of judges will review all of the entries and select a winner based on creativity, originality, and potential for success.

Application deadline: December 30th, 2022

Store location: Mariatorget, Stockholm

Store Duration: 2.5 Days (10 February 2023 - 12 February 2023)

Announcement Date: Before December 31st 2022

Requirements: Fill in the form and follow our official Instagram account @xnomad_official

‍There is no downside to signing up. No commitments, no cost and no creative limits. Rather, this competition is a unique opportunity for your brand to showcase your offering and taking your brand exposure to the next level. We can't wait to see what you have to offer!

For more information and to submit your entry, please visit our website at www.xnomad.com. We look forward to seeing your work and good luck!



Emelie Johansson

Emelie Johansson

Presskontakt Public Relations Manager

Relaterat innehåll

Nordens Ledande Marknadsplats för Pop-Ups

Vi är xNomad, en marknadsplattform för korttidsuthyrning av butikslokaler, Pop-Ups. xNomad kopplar ihop varumärken och e-handelsbutiker med lediga butikslokaler för att skapa unika pop-up-koncept. Vi gör det lika enkelt att hitta en butikslokal som att boka ett hotellrum.

Med e-handelns framfart har den fysiska detaljhandeln hamnat i ett existentiellt dödläge: när fysiska butiker stängs ner, företag söker sig till digitala kanaler och lokaler ekar tomma, uppstår frågan hur kunders köpupplevelser påverkas?

Det har aldrig funnits en bättre tidpunkt för att ta din verksamhet närmare dina kunder än med en Pop-Up. Skapa en fysisk mötesplats för att bygga varumärkeskännedom, lansera din produkt inom nya marknader eller för att bygga kundlojalitet.

Vår snabbt växande databas av lokaler omfattar allt från white box-utrymmen, showrooms till eventlokaler. Om du har en vision, så har xNomad det perfekta utrymmet för att realisera denna.

Revolutionera retailbranschen med xNomad!

Next Gen Retail Hub, Sankt Paulsgatan 22
118 84 Stockholm