Press release -

Release of “Dare to Fail” by Arthur Choo

Founder of leading cajon enterprise BEAT’ABOX, Arthur Choo is one of the pioneer cajon performers and trainers in Singapore. With the hope of inspiring more young entrepreneurs, he released his first book “Dare to Fail” on 31 December 2020.

This book touches on perspectives about his humble beginnings, failures, and wisdom that helped him propel forward throughout his entrepreneurship journey.

Arthur talks about his own life and shares how he turned one failure after another into success. This book is the first of his sequel which details his path of overcoming obstacles and building BEAT'ABOX from the ground, as well as finding a stable position in the music industry.

For Arthur, failure is inevitable. However, success depends on having the right attitude, expectations, and ability to rise back from failure.

“Dare to Fail” by Arthur Choo is now available for pre-order through this link:


  • Social issues


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  • box drum
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  • arthur choo beatabox
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BEAT’ABOX GROUP is a social enterprise founded, initiated, and powered by young people. We use music as a vehicle to bring positive solutions to societal needs, add joy and vibrancy to life in Singapore, develop leadership and entrepreneurial ability, and promote active citizenry.

Headquartered in Singapore, BEAT'ABOX has played a pivotal role in our local music scene, by creating a vibrant and creative approach to appreciate music. Today, we continue to lead and shape a new approach to creating music, using our cajons.

Today, we continue to lead and shape a new approach to creating music. But most of all, we take pride in our mission to unite people of all ages from all walks of life, through creative drumming on the cajons.



Press contact Project Manager +6596309675

Arthur Choo

Press contact Founder Managing Director