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Green Tips

Unplug your electronics

Did you know that your prized high-definition TV is actually draining you of precious resources? That's right, all our electronic devices consume energy when we aren't using them, sitting in a standby mode just waiting to be used. Stop their greedy consumption by going green in your living room and unplugging the TV and VCR, as well as other gadgets when you're done.

Recycle your electronics

When you dump electronics into a landfill, you contribute to chemical buildups in the land that don't break down over time. Some of the chemicals found in TVs that go into landfills include lead and mercury, which can cause brain damage and in the case of mercury, death. If the device still works, sell it or give it away. If not, dispose of it properly with a recycling company. This may cost a little money, but will save you the guilt of seriously polluting the earth.

Invite the light in

Natural light is abundant, clean and brings out colour beautifully. If you have windows, open up those shades! If you plan to do some remodelling in your home, go green in your living room by installing skylights.

Invest in blinds

Of course, sometimes when it gets too warm, the sun is not our friend. Instead of turning up the air-conditioner and guzzling up electricity, open some windows and lower the blinds. Good blinds will block out sunlight and prevent the glare from creating more heat in your home.

Buy houseplants

Houseplants not only make lovely decorations, they also provide you some very handy favours. Besides turning carbon dioxide into oxygen, some plants also leach nasty chemicals out of the air. Both aloe vera and ficus plants take Formaldehyde out of the air, and the spider plant helps remove carbon monoxide.

Buy furniture that will last

A familiar saying goes "Use it up, wear it out, make it work, or do without!" The same applies to your furniture. Going green in the living room means not filling up landfills, and there's a ton of great used furniture out there. Whatever you buy, make sure it will last you at least the next ten years. Is the upholstery out of date? Try a slip cover, they're a cheap way to get a "new" couch.

Utilize CFL light bulbs

In the past, fluorescent lighting has been associated with bad glare and unattractive light. But the ne compact fluorescent bulbs offer better illumination, and are four to five times more efficient than regular incandescent bulbs. They may cost a little more, but the price is more than offset by the money you'll save on your energy bill.

Stop wasting water

Did you know the average shower takes about 60 gallons of water? We also waste about six gallons simply by running the water hen we brush our teeth (if you brush twice a day). There are three easy fixes to cut water-waste in the bathroom. The first is to install a low-flow shower head, which can be a DIY project. Another way to go green in the bathroom and cut water-waste is to install a low-flow faucet aerator. Finally, you can install a dual-flushing toilet, to save thousands of gallons of water every year.

When you redecorate, choose Low VOC paints

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) can emit toxic fumes not only while you are painting, but for years to come. To go green in your bedroom, choose paints with little to no VOC or look for paints with the Green Label of approval. This is just one of the ways you can help turn your bedroom from a toxic environment to a healthy and peaceful place.

As you can see, going green in the bedroom not only benefits the environment, but also your health. Most of the tips above are easy to follow, so why not get started today?


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  • jotun singapore
  • jotun green tips
  • low voc paints
  • cfl light bulbs

Jotun (Singapore) Pte Ltd has been the catalyst in developing Jotun's presence in the region. Paint production units were later set up in Malaysia, Indonesia, China and Vietnam as demand for Jotun paints increases. Currently, Jotun (Singapore) Pte Ltd continues to be responsible for business acitivities in India, Taiwan and Philippines.


Janette Lee

Press contact Marketing Manager +65 6508 8288