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PWC Global Watch: Singapore: Important changes made to the taxation of employer-provided accommodation + Seminar on taxation

Dear NBAS members and friends,

Firstly, we are pleased to announce that NBAS will be hosting an Evening Seminar on Taxation for Norwegians on Wednesday 5 March 2014. The seminar will be conducted in Norwegian by Mr Erland Nørstebø, Partner PWC. Invitations will be sent out early 2014.

Secondly,  there are some important changes made to the taxation of employer-provided accommodation in Singapore:

Singapore:  Important changes made to the taxation of employer-provided accommodation

Following the announcement in the Budget Statement 2013, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has issued guidance summarizing changes to the taxation of employer provided accommodation benefits.  These changes are intended to make the taxation of housing benefits simpler and fairer.  The proposed changes, which will take effect from January 1, 2014, are likely to impact how companies provide housing support to their employees in Singapore, especially since there will be an increased tax burden for affected taxpayers.

Click here for more information.


  • Crime, Law, Legal affairs


  • singapore
  • norwegian community in singapore
  • norwegian business association (singapore)
  • nbas