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One million eBooks. One platform.

Did you know that there are now more than one million eBooks available in SwetsWise’s eBooks catalog? The catalog contains the titles and packages of 37 separate suppliers, bringing together an impressive wealth of content from some of the world’s leading eBook publishers and aggregators. Click here to view the full list of eBook suppliers whose content is available via SwetsWise.
Expanding SwetsWise to support the acquisition and management of eBook content has enabled us to offer you a single, user-friendly interface for acquiring and managing both eBooks and journals, which is unique to the information industry. You can purchase both individual titles and eBook collections, under the same pricing and purchase models offered by publishers and aggregators directly.
The rapid rate that publishers and other suppliers are signing up to the platform clearly illustrates the unique proposition we offer. More and more titles are being added each day, so be sure to order your eBook content via SwetsWise and monitor your entire collection through your preferred platform.
With a broad range of helpful functionality at your disposal, SwetsWise’s eBooks catalog can truly help to simplify the way you acquire and manage eBooks.

  • Search titles by publication year, language and subject
  • Search on abstracts and table of contents, or multiple ISBNs in one go
  • Choose between short and long display of search results
  • Sort search title results by publication date, publisher, relevance, title name
  • Combo box that lists suppliers and prices per supplier per title  
  • Exporting functionality of search results from the e-book catalogue
  • Google Preview per title

To read more about our eBook offerings, click here.


  • Education


  • ebooks collection
  • ebook suppliers
  • ebook publishers
  • aggregators
  • swetswise ebooks


Sheila Seow

Press contact Marketing Manager