Press release -

A welcome decision in Oskarshamn

The municipal council in Oskarshamn decided yesterday that it stands behind Svensk Kärnbränslehantering’s plan to build a nuclear fuel encapsulation plant in the municipality.

“This is a historical message and an important milestone for us. It is of course both welcome and enjoyable. It shows that the municipality of Oskarshamn has confidence in SKB’s work and our plans for the future. It also shows that the municipality is keen to push forward”, says SKB’s CEO Eva Halldén.

Encapsulation is the first step in SKB’s method for a safe final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. In the plant in Oskarshamn, the spent fuel will be placed in copper capsules before being shipped to the planned final repository in Forsmark.

The municipal council’s decision is part of the decision-making process under the Swedish Environmental Code, where the relevant municipality is consulted before the government decides on the admissibility of a nuclear facility.


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Our task is to deal with all the radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in Sweden. In doing so we must meet the most stringent requirements regarding the safety of human beings and the environment. This task is so extensive that we view it as Sweden's largest environmental protection project.


Simon Hoff

Press contact Press Manager +46736-33 85 01

Jenny Rees

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Erica A Wallin

Press contact +46 70-338 04 38