Blog post -

3 Wines later and I’m in New Orleans


Yaawwwn…what happened, I blacked out. It has been 4 weeks since my last post and boy has it been a trip. A lot has happened since the office ninja terrorized my office. In four weeks, Smart Break has attended Collision Conference and prepped for the next two conferences, all the while completing a transitional phase in to the US market. We have been busy!

A week before we were leaving we had all the prep finished and ready! Thanks to Seritec Oy for the clothes we received in a timely fashion. That is usually a minor headache when preparing for a trip. But this time we had some quality clothes ready to be strutted all across New Orleans. All smooth sailing in prep before the morning flight to Helsinki….then….boom, problems! So it turns out when the travel agency booked my flights they didn’t use my full name, which I thought would be a bit of an issue. I was a mess. Pure chaos from my end. The thought of me not being able to get on the flight for a conference I engineered strictly for Smart Break, was rattling my brain. Well everything was fine and I was able to make the trip because I was an American citizen and there would be no issue in entering the US 😎. What a drama queen I am.

Flights were smooth and we had a quick 6 hour pit stop in London 😒😫. It is a strange feeling being able to watch a movie or two on a plane, while also being able to have a glass of wine (or three). Also not getting the stink eye from people because my kids are being frothy mouthed monsters. Well maybe I am still getting those stink eyes because of my snoring and excessive laughter at ridiculous teenage comedies. Either way I am enjoying this ME time I get on this metal cage barrelling towards the great USA.

After landing in New Orleans, it was clear to me we were not in Finland anymore. The smell and heat reminded me why I love the south. There is nothing like the smell of fried whatever and heat blankets engulfing you the moment you step out of the comfort of the air conditioned building or car. It was hot



We made it and that is what counts! Now time to take Smart Break to a whole new market.


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals