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"We must put the ‘eco’ back in economy", says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management.
"We must put the ‘eco’ back in economy", says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management.

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Storebrand Asset Management signs the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

Storebrand Asset Management, together with 54 financial institutions representing more than €9 trillion in total assets, have signed the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge. The goal is to restore biodiversity and reverse nature loss through a global mobilization of capital and leadership.

The International Day for Biological Diversity will be celebrated virtually across the world 22. May, and today, new signatories of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge are celebrated at the Global Biodiversity Festival.

"Degradation of natural capital through human activity has brought us to a tipping point. The risks are multiple, from declines in economic growth to the uncertain future of our species. We cannot continue to leave nature outside the economic system. How we measure, value and respond to externalities should be part of our agendas. We must put the ‘eco’ back in economy", says Jan Erik Saugestad, CEO of Storebrand Asset Management.

Part of long-term commitment
As a pioneer in sustainable investments, Storebrand Asset Management early on identified biodiversity as a central issue for sustainable development and the completion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Storebrand started by committing to strong action a decade ago by systematically engaging with companies in our portfolios on biodiversity loss. Storebrand recognizes that all companies, regardless of sector, have an impact on biodiversity, but also depend on the services that biodiversity delivers.

Call on effective measures
Ahead of the UN Biodiversity Conference, the signees of the pledge call on global leaders to agree on effective measures to reverse nature loss in this decade. The financial institutions will take their share of the responsibility, by committing to protect and restore biodiversity through their finance activities and investments. By 2024, the parties pledge to collaborate, engage with companies, assess impact, set targets and report their efforts publicly.

The Finance for Biodiversity pledge will be one of the topics at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well will a post-2020 global biodiversity framework. COP15 is a part of the UN Biodiversity Conference, which will take place from 11-24 October 2021 in Kunming, China. A new signatory round for pledge will be held prior to the conference.

The 55 signatories to the Pledge are now:

ABN AMRO, Achmea Investment Management, ACTIAM N.V., Aegon Nederland N.V., Allianz France, Amundi, ASN Bank, ASR Nederland, Aviva Plc, AXA Group, Bank J. Safra Sarasin, Bankinter, Caisse des Dépôts, Change Finance PBC, Coöperatieve Klaverblad Verzekeringen U.A., Domini Impact Investments LLC, DPAM, Edmond de Rothschild AM, Etica Sgr - Responsible Investments, Federal Finance Gestion, First Sentier Investors, Fondaction, HSBC Global Asset Management, International business of Federated Hermes, Jupiter AM, Karner Blue Capital, La Financière de l'Echiquier, LIGM, Lombard Odier Investment Managers, Mirova, New Forests Pty Ltd, Nia Impact Capital, NN Investment Partners, NWB Bank, ODDO BHF Asset Management, OIP Trust, Ossiam, Piraeus Bank, PKA A/S, Pymwymic Investment Management B.V., Coöperatieve Rabobank U.A., Rathbone Greenbank Investments, Resona AM, Robeco, Schelcher Prince Gestion, SCOR SE, Storebrand AM, Swedbank Robur, Sycomore AM, Triodos Bank, Triple Jump, UFF African Agri Investments, Vancity Investment Management, Vert Asset Management and Volksbank

Storebrand is a Nordic financial group, delivering increased security and financial wellness for people and companies. We offer sustainable solutions and encourage our customers to make good economic decisions for the future. Our purpose is clear: we create a brighter future.

Storebrand has about 40.000 corporate customers, 2 million individual customers and manages NOK 1 008 billion. The Group has its headquarters at Lysaker outside of Oslo, Norway. Storebrand (STB) is listed on Oslo Stock Exchange.

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Sara Skarvad

Sara Skarvad

Press contact Director of communication Storebrand Asset Management +46 70 621 77 92

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