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​The 12 Trailblazing days of Christmas: Big Data finalists

In the Christmas spirit, the Tech Trailblazers Awards rustle up 12 days of jolly startup goodness for you, taking a closer look at this year’s enterprise IT finalists. For our first post, we shine the spotlight on the third edition Big Data category shortlist…

Big Data
- EnergyDeck (@EnergyDeck), – London, UK
- Flying Binary (@FlyingBinary), – London, UK
- NGDATA (@NGDATA_com), – New York, NY, USA
- ParStream (@ParStream), – Cupertino, CA, USA
- SQream Technologies (@SQreamTech), - Ramat Gan, Israel
- Tarmin (@Tarmin101), – Boston, MA, USA

According to IDC’s research Worldwide Big Data Technology and Services 2012 – 2015 Forecast, the Big Data technology and services market is expected to reach $16.9 billion in 2015, from $3.2billion in 2010. Such growth is mirrored in the Trailblazers Big Data category, continuing to be popular, with a mix of IT startups using big data in the energy sector, customer experience management, data storage and more…

First up on the shortlist is London-based EnergyDeck, a web-based platform that gathers energy and resource data, providing feedback to users that enables the acceleration of energy efficiency technology and practice. Founded in 2011, EnergyDeck is privately funded.

We’re also proud to announce that Flying Binary are amongst the Big Data frontrunners this year…Another London-based enterprise, FlyingBinary is a privately funded web science company changing the world with data. Flying binary’s HM Government accredited Big Data and IoT cloud services ensure that users profit from the web.

Originally from Belgium and now based in New York comes NGDATA, whose technology helps companies maximize their customer relationships by delivering real-time, individual and actionable Customer DNA profiles, resulting in effective marketing campaigns, while also reducing churn. Backers include Capricorn Venture Partners, Sniper Investments, and other angel investors.

Another startup amongst the Big Data shortlist is ParStream, whose vision is to revolutionise the database market to enable real time big data analytics, turning big data into fast data. ParStream is another of the category’s startups with solid support from the investment community. Investors include Baker Capital, CrunchFund, Data Collective, Khosla Ventures and Tola Capital.

SQream Technologies innovation is an ultra-fast SQL database for Big Data analytic workloads. With SQream the power of a full-rack database machine is condensed into a single standard 2U server that can store and manipulate up to 100TB delivering the most cost-effective performance for Big Data. SQream Technologies last funding round was $4 million.

Last but not least on the Big Data roster is Tarmin…Tarmin GridBank Data Management Platform delivers a scalable, transparent and unified approach for data retention, search, policy and security across cloud and traditional storage infrastructure. Another Big Data startup from the US, Tarmin is privately funded.

As you can see, this year’s crème de la crème of Big Data startups are a varied group. Here are some key stats about this year’s shortlist…

  • US startups account for 50% of the Big Data shortlist, 33% are UK and 17% Israel, whereas the 2013 edition saw 66% USA, 17% UK and 17% German based startups in the category.
  • 66% of 2014’s Big Data finalists are 5 years old, 17% are 2 years, and a further 17% are 3 years old. This points to Big Data technology’s increasing global importance in the last 5 years.

Want to help decide the Big Data winners? Vote for your favourite at before 23.59pm Pacific Time on 16th January 2015.

Stay tuned for tomorrows low-down on this year’s Cloud finalists! 

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  • Data, Telecom, IT


  • awards
  • competition
  • enterprise
  • global
  • innovation
  • big data
  • tech trailblazers
  • technology
  • startup
  • tech


Vicki Porter

Press contact Media Contact Press & PR UK: +44 (0)208 255 5225

Rose Ross

Press contact Chief Trailblazer + 44 (0)208 255 2345