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Jesper PET preform Co., Taiwan best PET preform manufacturer provides you over 30 various types of preforms.

Jesper PET Preform Co. products are all designed in Taiwan, developed in Taiwan, produced in Taiwan, Truly Made in Taiwan. Accumulate experience plus self-manufacturer molds and willingness of develop newest and leading preforms which lay the foundation of fine quality preforms, customized and capability of export worldwide. The company continuously has innovated ideas, deeply support and trust by clients of all fields and customers around the world. serve honestly, customer satisfaction and customer driven are the spirit and goals of Jesper PET preform co. by them expand globally.

Let us introduce you Jesper PET Preform Co. BEST SELLING PCO-1810 PET PREFORM in May.

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You can find your best choice of preforms, such as preforms of mineral water bottle, preforms of pharmacy bottle, preforms for sauce bottle, over 30 various types of preforms. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

All bout Jesper PET preform co.

Jesper PET preform Co. started from 1990 specializing in PET preforms molds and PET preforms development. In short period of time, establish many injection machine production line and further using our own techniques and molds to produce Preforms independently. “Sincere Service and Customer Satisfaction” is always the spirit of Jesper PET Preform Co..

Sincerely welcome interested customers visit our website for more information and contact us directly!

Jesper PET preform co.

  • Contact: +886-35387186


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