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Uddeholm Climate neutral week

Sustainability has long been an important key factor for Uddeholm. We strive for a world leading production standard that allows us to thrive together with our customers, colleagues and the environment. Years of research and development have put us at the forefront of sustainable tool steel production. Despite various challenges, it is now time for the next step.

In Uddeholms sustainability report 2020-2021 we state that the electricity mix delivered to the Mill comes from non-fossil power plants in Sweden’s Nordic region. This is one of many actions we already have taken towards a more sustainable future.

Here we go!
In the middle of December (13th-19th) we will run a week-long trial as the first company in the world to produce climate neutral tool steel, to show that the impossible is possible. Not tomorrow, but today.

During the week we will among other things, replace LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) with fossil free LBG (Liquefied Bio Gas). In addition, all internal transport that will be run with fossil-free electricity or 100% share of HVO100.

These actions together with a few more, gives a reduction of up to 90% of Uddeholm's CO2 emissions.

For carbon in scrap metal and graphite electrodes, there is no fossil-free replacement for today - therefore climate compensation takes place; in parallel with stricter requirements for suppliers and participation in research studies.

Climate compensation takes place according to the Gold Standard as they clearly work in accordance with the UN's sustainability goals.

To be first is our challenge and our responsibility, for us as a company and for generations to come.

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Robert Gustafsson

Press contact Brand and Communication Manager +46 72 547 08 04