Press release -

Blake Lapthorn Secures £5.7m Settlement For Client In Clinical Negligence Case Against John Radcliffe Hospital

Blake Lapthorn, one of the leading law firms in the UK, is pleased to announce that its client Ian Murphy has recovered substantial compensation of approximately £5.7 million as a result of the circumstances of his birth at the John Radcliffe Hospital where he was born over 33 years ago.


A hearing took place at the Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday 14 December 2010.


Ian who was born on 15 September 1977 suffered catastrophic injuries at the time of his birth and settlement has been reached on the basis of 90% liability for his severe disabilities.  Ian suffered brain injury resulting in moderately severe spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy with impaired mobility and coordination.  He is wheelchair-dependent and requires help with all activities of daily living, communication and socialisation.  He has severe learning difficulties, behavioural problems, impaired vision and he has suffered from epilepsy.


Ian was cared for lovingly by his parents at home for many years and the award means that he will have a secure future with care and accommodation for the rest of his life, even when his parents are no longer able to care for him.


Ian's parents took action because they were concerned about his future since he is expected to live until he is over 70 and his care was becoming difficult for them.  His parents can be reassured that the money that will be paid to the Court of Protection in the form of a lump sum and annual payments for as long as Ian lives will ensure that he receives the care, aids and appliances that he will need to maintain a good quality of life.


Mr & Mrs Murphy and their daughter have cared for Ian unstintingly over the years and they will still be involved in his care.  Mrs Murphy is pleased and relieved that she does not have to worry what will happen to Ian when she is no longer there to care for him.  She commented: "I am delighted that Sue Jarvis at Blake Lapthorn was able to settle the claim without the need for a Trial even though Ian's birth was so long ago.  A claim was not brought earlier because my husband and I were very involved in Ian's everyday care and did not realise that such a claim was possible until we sought the advice from Sue about suitable accommodation for Ian."


  • Legal affairs


  • England

Sue Jarvis who is a partner at Blake Lapthorn and heads the firm's Clinical Negligence team in Oxford questioned Mrs Murphy about the circumstances of Ian's birth and advised that a claim was likely to be successful.