Press release -

BNI SE London - National Award for Outstanding Performance - Most Improved Referral Rate

Adele McLay, the Managing Area Director, later commented, "As you might expect, as a regional director group, we were elated, as the awards are a direct reflection on how the SE London region has been progressing over the year, via the success that is occurring in chapters."


  • Contracts, Assignments


  • London (City)

Meeting every week, over a good breakfast at London Bridge, we are a team of local business people who work together to share contacts, opportunities and introduce solid referals to one another. All members are here to perform for one another with the knowledge that good service leads to referals through confidence.

The BNI provides the framework of the meeting and the growth of the members through a tried and tested structure and invaluable business training, with ongoing support.

Our chapter is geared towards the city-based, high-value contracts, but is also the perfect environment for a start-up to connect up with, and gain insight from, an established and trusted support team.


Douglas Breaks

Press contact

Douglas Breaks

Press contact Communications Executive Outbound communications over Internet channels