Press release -

BOTTLE Win Digital Award for Groundbreaking HISTORY™ FOURSQUARE Campaign

BOTTLE is celebrating this morning after scooping ’Best Use of Location-Based Tools’ for its work with TV channel HISTORY at the prestigious CorpComms Digi Awards 2011 held in London (6 July 2011).

BOTTLE was appointed in February by the TV channel to drive social media support for the launch of HISTORY’s new partnership with location-based social network, foursquare.

The tie up - a first between foursquare and a UK television channel, was aimed at encouraging people to engage with the HISTORY brand by ‘checking-in’ via foursquare at London’s famous landmarks and historic sites as well as the lesser known parts such as bars and cafes, monuments and streets.

Paul Sutton, Head of Social Communications at BOTTLE says: “We are absolutely thrilled to have won this award for our HISTORY campaign. Online activity is becoming increasingly important within PR. To receive this recognition from a judging panel that includes highly respected industry peers is extremely satisfying, and proves that BOTTLE is an agency with a credible social media stance.”


  • PR, Communication


  • bottle pr
  • awards
  • history
  • location-based tools
  • corpcomms digi awards
  • social media support
  • foursquare
  • paul sutton


Listed by PR Week as a top 120 UK PR agency, BOTTLE PR is home to a corking team of 25 PR consultants. 

Its award-winning campaigns embrace both 'traditional' and digital PR disciplines for a diverse and enviable client base spanning consumer, business-to-business and technology sectors.  BOTTLE PR's digital PR activity is headed by an industry-renowned social media and online expert.

With clear targets and KPIs, BOTTLE PR achieves fantastic PR results for its clients, yet appreciates its efforts must meet an organisation's business objectives.  Recent PR-driven business results include an 80% rise in year on year sales for a drinks client, an increase in website enquiries from 50 per day to over 3,000 for a utility supplier and a five-fold increase in awareness and understanding for a large public sector body over a six-month period.


Nina Sawetz

Press contact Executive PR Consultant 01865 882988

Paul Sutton

Press contact Head of Social Communications +44 (0)1865 882988

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