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A. Innova discusses why the sales and marketing industry is a great opportunity for graduates.

A. Innova has released a statement on the abundance of options fresh graduates face post education, and how the marketing sector provides a dynamic and viable career option for those who find themselves facing a crossroads. A staggering graduate unemployment rate of 25 percent the firm is keen to encourage graduates to seek alternative employment options, to avoid the "quarter-life crisis" and begin their exciting careers.

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A. Innova is keen to explore how they believe the marketing sector to be the perfect opportunity for fresh graduates to start their careers in a dynamic industry that continually provides the chance for growth and education.

A. Innova understands that post education, many fresh graduates opt for safe options, often careers in industries they have not studied, to provide a financial comfort zone. The firm is urging young professionals to seek out the sales and marketing industry as a viable career option for the multitude of opportunities the sector provides. The company are keen to destroy the trend of graduates seeking careers in traditional industries that offer no room for growth or personal development.

A.Innova understands that post-university there is intense competition for graduate schemes, with many fresh graduates taking on unpaid internships or further education, that is not necessary for their ideal career. A. Innova believes that the sales and marketing industry offers an excellent alternative for those individuals who are keen to work hard within their employment, climb the career ladder and be in charge of their results.

A.Innova believes the sales and marketing sector offers extensive opportunities that other industries do not, consisting of continuous mentoring, entry-level roles that provide comprehensive training and the opportunity for individuals to drive the progression of their career. The industry is a challenging and ever-changing career choice, yet it offers vast opportunities and rewards for those eager to continue their student mentality.

A. Innova is a sales and marketing firm that specialises in direct marketing and provides many opportunities for graduates and those willing to begin their careers within the marketing industry. The company has extensive plans for growth over the next year, and is keen to expand their dynamic workforce. 

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  • England

At A.Innova, we create and tailor sales and marketing strategies to best suit our clients and their needs. Our direct and personalised approach guarantees an increased market share for our clients, whilst giving each customer a unique experience.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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