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First Phoenix Promotions navigate the journey between customer service and experience.

First Phoenix Promotions believe there is a consensus in marketing in 2017 that products and services must be tailored to create increasingly personal and memorable customer experiences. While there is a relationship between customer service and the customer experience, the two ultimately have their differences. To summarise“if a customer has to call customer service, something has gone wrong with their experience" states the firm.

Customer service can be described as the delivery of service to a customer during all aspects of the purchasing process. Being in a digital age, customers expect 24/7 customer services and particularly appreciate good customer service support on all social media platforms. As a result, businesses invest a large amount of time and resources in ensuring they have strong customer service departments and that their response times are reasonable and satisfactory for the customer.

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The customer experience relates to the overall interactions and experiences that customers have with their relationship with businesses. The customer journey is an incredibly important aspect of the customer experience, during the journey they are going to interact with a varied number of departments within your company ranging from Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support/Service.

If brands can identify how they are perceived, they can ultimately improve their offers as such. Intelligent thinking is needed at all times, and companies need to innovate through feedback. To make interactions run as smoothly and to keep the customer happy there needs to be known.

For example, customer service teams must have an understanding of any previous dialogue between the customer and the business. If a customer had a great experience with a team member a few days or weeks ago, but are then pitched the same product or service, this will create a negative overall customer experience.

In today’s digital business world of electronic reviews, customer service and customer experience have never been so important. The views of a business can change instantly especially with the help of social media, which is why First Phoenix Promotions think it's imperative that companies are aware of how they are conducting themselves online. Responses to queries and complaints should be swift. Keeping all customer-facing teams aware of each interaction is key. This might sound like an impossible task but it can be easily achieved. Having an effective CRM system that can be accessible to all departments and regularly updated and used to document all recorded interactions and additional relevant customer information.

First Phoenix Promotions believes that there is a great reward for companies who are willing to go the extra mile to account for all the elements combined in customer experience, and in this way they can take market share of larger marketing companies.

First Phoenix Promotions is a forefront outsource sales and marketing company in the heart of Manchester specialising in building cost-effective and memorable face-to-face marketing campaigns for clients looking to grow and expand. They are dedicated to delivering all the requirements of the brands they work in order to fulfil their marketing and customer acquisition ambitions. 


  • PR, Communication


  • England


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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