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Hegemonic Enterprises Host Workshop Examining the Secret Motivations of Renowned Entrepreneurs

Leeds-based outsourced sales and marketing specialist, Hegemonic Enterprises, is an advocate of entrepreneurship and offers aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to hone their skills and realise their ambitions through progressive business development opportunities.

Hegemonic Enterprises: Meet the CEO.

This week, CEO at Hegemonic Enterprises, Macauley Heseltine hosted a companywide workshop examining the secret motivations of renowned entrepreneurs.

1. Gratitude

Belarusian American entrepreneur, author, speaker and Internet personality, Gary Vaynerchuk attributes his motivation to being grateful for what he has. While many entrepreneurs will focus on the dreams, they haven’t yet achieved, or the struggles they’ve faced on the journey, Vaynerchuk contends that taking time to recognise what they already have should provide enough motivation to keep going. At Hegemonic Enterprises they believe that practising gratitude is imperative.

2. Mentors

American business magnate, investor, and philanthropist Warren Buffett is one of the wealthiest people in the world and Buffet attributes much of his success to his mentor, Benjamin Graham.The billionaire investor urges aspiring entrepreneurs to find a mentor who is at the level they aspire to be, who they can look to for advice and guidance. Hegemonic Enterprises argues that a mentor can be the catalyst for business success and that a mentor can be a source of motivation because it is someone who has been through it all and still comes out on top.

3. A positive inner circle

Negativity can be contagious and can cause someone to lose motivation. World-renowned entrepreneurs believe that it is imperative to be surrounded by optimism. Hegemonic Enterprises encourages contractors to surround themselves with a positive inner circle that motivate and inspire them to keep going when the going gets tough.

4. Stop overthinking

British business magnate, investor philanthropist and founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, attributes much of his success to his motto “Screw it. Let’s just do it.” When faced with problems or uncertainty, Branson’s brash style enables him to face situations head-on, rather than sitting back and waiting for motivation to hit. Branson firmly believes that both success and failure provide learning opportunities and enables someone to move forward; therefore people might as well just go for it.

Hegemonic Enterprises is a Leeds based outsourced sales and marketing firm, focusing on delivering a low investment, high ROI solution for both small and large brands looking to create fun, interactive and engaging promotions. The firm is committed to helping brands dominate the market by generating a loyal customer base. CEO Macauley Heseltine is urging the firm’s workforce and aspiring entrepreneurs to implement the four points highlighted above.



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Macauley Heseltine: CEO

Hegemonic Enterprises Limited implement cost-effective approaches to build a 4D experience for the user to enjoy and form a lasting connection that is made to last. As a complete outsourced solution, Hegemonic Enterprises Limited relieve the pressure from overstretched companies and act as a seamless add-on to existing marketing campaigns.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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