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Micro Actions: the key to success says Get Up and Go Marketing

With entrepreneurs often looking to introduce habits to reach goals, get up and go marketing insist micro-actions are crucial to success.

Author Carl Richard shared the power of micro-actions in the overall ability to achieve success. Micro Actions are the non-time-consuming baby steps that over time go a long way to reaching those personal and professional goals. This week's office workshop was used to explore micro actions and how best they can encourage success.

Get Up and Go Marketing reveal the quickest ways to introduce micro-actions to the day.

About the firm and Managing Director:

30 seconds: log out of the inbox - Ranked the highest distractor in the office, the email inbox. Take a bold step in logging out. This means that once the allocated time for email checking is complete, the notifications will not serve as a distraction. Having to log in again will reduce the chance of becoming consumed in tasks for others and allow more time to be spent working on personal goals.

1 minute: Create a fun team activity that encourages a healthy lifestyle. Everyone knows that physical activity offers multiple benefits, but as to do lists get longer the opportunity to head the gym decreases. Bringing exercise to the office is a simple way to boost the heart rate and release endorphins. Try introducing a 1-minute plank on the hour every hour, set the alarm and encourage all workers to participate.

2 minutes: Smarter decisions follow meditation. Scientists have proven meditation changes brain function, by comparing colleagues who meditate, and those who don't. Those who practised meditation were found to have stronger processes in the brain associated with decision making and memory. Meditating for as little as 3 minutes per day can boost coping ability during times of stress and improve overall health.

5 minutes: Read a book to boost learning and memory. Knowledge is power, and key to development to strive to absorb new knowledge. With books at our fingertips, choose a topic a week and focus on learning five new this each week. However, the power of an actual book shouldn't be overlooked with research confirming people retain more information from pages versus a screen.

Get Up and Go Marketing are keen to encourage their contractors to open their minds to different practices that will boost productivity and their ability to reach their goals. The firm will be introducing a 1 minute on the minute drill for their teams and add new books to their library for everyone to access during their breaks.



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  • get up & go marketing


  • England

Managing Director: Elliott Curtis

Our mission is to be bright, colourful and passionate about everything we do. There are many sales and marketing agencies out there, but unlike the rest, we aim to be different… We offer a personalised unique approach by getting in front of our customers on a face to face basis, and we are the best there is at engaging new customers. 


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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