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Ninjja Global urge entrepreneurs to take lessons from Warren Buffett with a company-wide workshop

Ninjja Global is the Miami based direct sales and marketing firm that are eager to encourage their aspiring entrepreneurs to find inspiration in the world of successful businessmen and women. As such, the firm recently ran a workshop on the life of philanthropist and billionaire, Warren Buffett.

Ninjja Global: Meet the CEO

Entrepreneur, Warren Buffett is considered one of the most successful business investors across the globe, and as of February 17th, 2018 is the third wealthiest person in the world. The business magnate is thoroughly self-established and exhibits a variety of lessons that can be valuable for aspiring entrepreneurs states Ninjja Global.

He made $53,000 by the age of 16 through sheer determination and hard work. The youngster would deliver newspapers every morning across his neighborhood while also having side projects such as selling used golf balls, cleaning cars and selling stamps. Ninjja Global detail how hard work should be essential for every entrepreneur, yet providing an example of what this determination can achieve from the inception of a career acts as a strong motivator.

Warren Buffet was rejected from prestigious college, Harvard Business School after his initial education, he then subsequently discovered two of his business idols were professors at Columbia Business School. After writing a unique letter to one of the men, he was accepted and continued his development in the world of business. Ninjja Global are eager to encourage their contractors not to be disheartened if they fail within their careers, instead encouraging them to learn from failure and come back stronger.

Entrepreneur Warren Buffett estimates that he spends up to 80% of each day reading, from the moment he wakes up. When discussing his reading habits, the philanthropist stated "That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.” Ninjja Global are strong advocates of the student mentality, they actively encourage reading and have released a variety of press releases on the subject.

Ninjja Global are eager to continue their inspirational workshops, with the intention of encouraging their contractors to design their own futures. Along with the company’s business development program, the firm is giving their contractors the tools they need to succeed in such a competitive industry as sales and marketing.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • ninjja global


Managing Director: Simone Suetsugu

Based in Miami, Ninjja Global Inc. is a face-to-face marketing company that uses events to raise brand awareness on behalf of its clients, and our combat strategy guarantees them a higher return on investment through direct marketing campaigns.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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