Press release -

Purple Reign's Managing Director explores why Brands should focus on people over Technology

Purple Reign's Managing Director, Leopold Johnson is urging companies to put more focus into their people over technology, recognising this often takes large budgets that would be better spent on enhancing the skills of their contractors.

Purple Reign: About the firm

Purple Reign is a business that focuses strongly on face to face interactions, finding this to be one of the most effective forms of marketing, and frequently conducts company-wide workshops for the benefit of their contractors. Managing Director, Leopold Johnson is eager to continue in this trend, finding the opportunity to enhance the development of the Purple Reign contractors to be considerable interest and benefit to the company. As such, Purple Reign has released a statement on why they are urging businesses to focus on their people, over developing technology.

The firm has launched an investigation into the subject, taking inspiration from a guest talk given by Jeremy Waite, Chief Strategy Officer at IBM at an Oystercatchers event. Waite explored the concept when addressed with a query regarding IBM’s own stance on technology, pinpointing that such developments offer huge opportunity, but only if people are prioritised.

In reference to this stance, Waite stated, “The companies that win are the ones that spend 10 times more on people than on technology.” This is a statement that Purple Reign’s Managing Director wholeheartedly agrees with, in reference to the guest talk, the entrepreneur stated, “I think this talk will be the turning point for brands. I have long realised that a company’s success depends upon the time, effort and resources put into their contractors. This is something I try to run with at Purple Reign. We’re all about the people.”

Purple Reign has a strong company culture that is focused on people, often conducting company-wide workshops, seminars and networking events to enhance the skills and qualities of those at the firm. Business owner Johnson also organises weekly crew nights in which they can let go of the stresses of the role to spend quality time with one another.

Purple Reign is a leading name in the Nottingham sales and marketing scene, and are always seeking dynamic individuals that are eager to gain experience within the industry.

To keep up to date with Purple Reign, you can follow their social media accounts here:

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  • Business enterprise, General


  • purple reign


  • Nottinghamshire


Managing Director: Leopold Johnson

Purple Reign offer an all-inclusive outsourcing package that takes care of everything from design and execution, recruitment, training and market research.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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