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Thoughts on volunteering from Roy Langworth

I can assist the various members of the team by proof reading promotional literature, collating mail-shots, advertising specific events, telephoning to progress donations and bookings for fundraising events, arranging the collection of furniture and other large or heavy items which can be sold through our larger shops, plus any other more routine administrative jobs which free fundraising staff to get on with more important tasks.

I only volunteer for a few hours a week but have seen how the team need to achieve their fundraising targets. When you consider that, based on an example of a 40 hour working week, the charity needs to raise donations in excess of £2,800 every hour in order to provide the wide range of services offered by the organisation, you will perhaps better understand the importance the contribution the Fundraising department makes to the running of the charity.

This does not diminish in any way the work carried out by other sections of the organisation, far from it, because without them there would be no team, no EllenorLions Hospices, no caring and supportive end result, but donations, in all their forms are the “lifeblood” of the organisation and without them it cannot exist.

I am proud to think that in my modest way I am part of the excellent work EllenorLions does and will continue to help wherever I can.

Volunteer, Roy Langworth

Find out how you can volunteer.


  • volunteering
  • perspectives
  • fundraising


Basia Wilson

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