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Ellenor celebrates as baby Mia reaches first birthday

ellenor celebrated the first birthday of baby Mia this weekend, who is under our care and who her parents describe as a 'little fighter'.

A year ago, following a traumatic birth which resulted in Mia suffering a bleed to the brain, Matt Wenham 39, and fiance Liz Green 28, thought they would be taking their precious daughter home to die, but as Matt says “our little girl is a fighter and surprised us all when she began breathing on her own, but after some initial intensive medical care we were able to bring our baby Mia home under the care of ellenor.”

“The special care that ellenor provides to families in their own homes, meant that we could bring Mia home and stay together as a family, avoiding the need for stressful and time-consuming trips to hospital.We were so grateful for their round the clock care which meant that even when Mia would pull the feeding tube out of her nose at 3am in the morning, there was someone there for us.This is what is so unique about ellenor.”

Mum Liz told us, “You have so many hopes and dreams for your child. I always found being pregnant very surreal – it was hard to believe that our little baby was on its way.

But after the birth, we felt like we were on our own and were completely overwhelmed. We knew of a child cared for by ellenor who has since recovered from cancer, and thankfully were then put in touch with this fantastic charity.

Now with the 24/7 help and support of ellenor we can care for Mia at home. When we went to visit my parents in Berkshire, our ellenor nurse briefed the local hospital about Mia and forwarded her notes in case she needed medical help.”

For the first time this summer the family were able to enjoy a family holiday together abroad, visiting one of their favourite haunts in Tenerife.  It was here that Matt surprised Liz by getting down on one knee to propose – with a little help from Mia - making this a double celebration for the family.

Liz says “With the help of ellenor my confidence has grown and I know I am giving Mia the best care and support she needs.We could be blessed with five to 15 years with our precious daughter and every year we reach will be a milestone. I feel safe knowing ellenor will be by our side throughout.”

Matt, who praises the support given the family says “Thankfully Mia is now without a feeding tube, although she has been diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy and her life will always be effected by the brain damage received.Only time will tell how much she will be able to do on her own.Mia is a true fighter and with the help of ellenor we hope she will continue to prove doctors wrong.”

Mia turned one this weekend and celebrated with Dad and Mum who really went to town by hiring a local hall and inviting around 130 family and friends. They also used the event to fundraise for ellenor raising over £3,000, as well as an opportunity to thank family and friends for their tremendous support over the last year.


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


  • birthday
  • hospice
  • fundraising
  • charity


  • Kent


Basia Wilson

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