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Remember a loved one this Christmas

Our uplifting and heart-warming Lights of Love services offer all families – whether they have been supported by ellenor or not, an opportunity to pause during this busy time of year and remember those who are unable to share Christmas with us.

By donating to our Lights of Love appeal, you can dedicate a light, or a number of lights, on our Christmas tree in memory of someone special. The name of your loved one or loved ones will then be displayed in our annual Lights of Love book, which you can view throughout the year at our hospice at ellenor Gravesend.

Joanne Bradley - Ward Sister at ellenor says: “Dedicating a light can be a comfort following the death of a loved one, as well as supporting all the valuable work that ellenor does”.

We would like to invite you to join us at our services being held on Saturday 9 December at Grace Outreach Church, Dartford and on Sunday 10 December at ellenor Gravesend. Doors open 4pm, so that you can view the dedicated names, light a candle and write a message on a star, which you can either take home or hang on our indoor tree at ellenor hospice in remembrance of your loved one.

The non-denominational services at 4.30pm are an opportunity to pause for reflection and through music, readings and the lighting of candles, commemorate lives and loves past. The evenings will end at 6pm.

If you would like to dedicate a light on our Christmas tree in memory of someone special please visit or call 01474 320007.


  • Kent


Basia Wilson

Press contact PR Manager 01474320007