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Luxembourgish artist Sali Muller presents her work at Annexe22

In the run-up to Esch-Alzette’s term as European Capital of Culture (Esch2022), several exhibitions are now being held at Annexe22 in Esch’s “Brillplaz”. This is where Luxembourg artists present their work and installations to local residents and visitors. Sali Muller’s video installation “Wenn die Sterne vom Himmel fallen” (When the Stars Fall from the Sky) will be on display from 17 April until 12 June.

Diving into the night sky, full of shooting stars, while dreaming up wishes is the idea of a happy moment for many people.  Since the dawn of time, humanity has dreamed of diving into and exploring the infinity of the universe. The exhibition of the artist Sali Muller is just such an invitation: abandon the usual perception of reality and immerse yourself in the idea behind it.

For this video installation, Muller has arranged multiple screens on the floor in a darkened room, seemingly at random. Visitors watch a sky full of stars and, as the artist intended, immerse themselves in their own world of thought. Through the images of the stars, Sali Muller seeks to create a “magical sensual projection landscape” and to encourage the unseen to be revealed through perception and thought. As the screens are installed on the floor, viewers change their perspective – they are not looking up at the sky – and they lose the reference points provided by normal visual cues. This visual switch allows Muller to draw the visitor’s attention past the surfaces and patterns that reflect the light. Their perception of space is altered by the formation of the colours and stars on the screens. “Viewers might think that they see their own reflection on the screen, but it disappears beyond the stars. This opens up the floor and connects the here with the vision behind it,” as Sali Muller explains the concept for this installation.

“Wenn die Sterne vom Himmel fallen” is a classic example of Muller’s work, which is based on an analytical investigation of visual and perceptual patterns. The Luxembourgish artist explores the role of the individual in relation to their own self and their environment through the use of reflective surfaces, videos, light and sound installations. She does this to encourage the viewer to engage in self-reflection and to show that each individual’s perception is subjective.

About the artist

Sali Muller studied at the Marc Bloch University in Strasbourg, France, and holds a Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She has exhibited her work in group shows such as the Regionale at Kunsthaus Baselland in Basel (Switzerland), the Ostrale Biennale (Germany), Luis Adelantado Gallery in Valencia (Spain) and Galerie Zidoun-Bossuyt and Galerie Nosbaum Reding in Luxembourg City. Her first museum exhibition was at the IKOB Museum of Contemporary Art in Eupen (Belgium). This was followed by more exhibitions in Germany and Italy. Muller’s work has been featured in galleries in Germany, the UK, Spain and Italy. Her work has also been shown at major art fairs such as Volta Basel, Estampa and Art Rotterdam. Sali Muller lives and works in Luxembourg.


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • annexe22
  • esch-alzette
  • cultural program

About Esch2022

Esch2022 is the European Capital of Culture 2022, featuring the town of Esch-Alzette, the ten other Luxembourg municipalities of the Pro-Sud union and the eight French municipalities of the CCPHVA region. The slogan of Esch2022 is “Remix Culture”. Production work on the implementation of all of the themes is being carried out in close cooperation with the municipalities, the ministries and other partners. Esch2022 is managed by the association ‘Capitale européenne de la culture 2022 asbl’. In 2022, two other cities in Europe will hold this title: Kaunas in Lithuania and Novi Sad in Serbia.


Jessika Rauch

Press contact Lead PR & Media Esch2022 +352 28 83 2022