Press release -

Spotlight on Kayl/Tétange - Esch2022 celebrates the municipality of the month, from 22 November to 21 December.

The municipality of Kayl/Tétange invites you to reflect on the past, present and future through its cultural heritage.

As part of Esch2022, the municipality of Kayl/Tétange has presented projects firmly rooted in its red soil, reflecting the daily life of its inhabitants (soon to be 10,000), and inviting to reflect on who they are, where they come from as well as what their future will look like. These reflections aim to situate oneself in an ever-changing space and time.

Past Projects


As part of the PRO-SUD, which was recently awarded the “Minett Unesco Biosphere” label, the municipality of Kayl/Tétange invited its visitors to the heart of this nature reserve during the Landscapes project (from 01.08.2022 to 31.10.2022). This true open-air museum invited its visitors to discover and rediscover this landscape shaped by the industrial past and by the hands of humankind in search of material wealth. Today, this nature reserve is a true symbol of hope and proof that nature knows how to reclaim its rights.

Linking the Léiffrächen plateau in Kayl/Tétange to the Wanterfeld in Rumelange, Landscapes was a collaboration between these two municipalities which, at one time, were one and the same - the Kayldall.

The participating artists, local or with a link to the region, offered us a different view of these landscapes using photography, dance, architecture, music, painting, plastic arts, design...

Acoustic Picnics

A collaboration between the municipality of Kayl/Tétange and the city of Dudelange, Acoustic Picnics was the second project to cross the imaginary borders between the two localities. This project was part of the same desire to highlight the beautiful landscapes of the region, also in connection with artistic performances and other Esch2022 projects.

Den neie Mineur

As part of its Esch 2022 projects, the municipality of Kayl/Tetange has taken on the task of dissecting the term "Mineur" in order to extract its essence, both etymologically, with its various meanings and interpretations, and in terms of the traces we find of this word throughout the Minett region.

The project den neie Mineur is divided into three sub-projects.

  • Graphic Novel: Schortgen
  • Musical: Den neie Mineur
  • Gare la mine! Wat ass de neie Mineur haut?

The first part is a graphic novel by Charel Meder and Marc Angel as a tribute to Jean Schortgen. The first worker to become a member of parliament, the story of this "working class hero" is told in an original and inventive way, in a dark universe, representative of that period. Now accompanied by an educational dossier financed by the SCRIPT, this book is about to be introduced into national education. The success of its sales and the general interest shown in this work prove that the public was only waiting to rediscover this national hero, almost doomed to oblivion.

A musical tribute to the miners of the past, present and future. From the miners of the 19th century to the children who today, in far-off lands, work to provide us with the raw materials for our electronic gadgets, Den neie Mineur deals subjectively with sensitive and poignant themes.

In the pure tradition of musicals, Den neie Mineur is entertaining and amusing without forgetting the importance of the subject. Sandro Bucciarelli and Pol Belardi have provided us with the musical scores that are reminiscent of the classical Musical world. Alongside them, historian Rosch Seimetz has written a poignant text with an undeniable wit and humour.

Future projects

The third and final part of the project 'Den neie Mineur':

A theatre production created in collaboration with the Artistekëscht theatre company and the educational support of Martine Conzemius will take place on the 9th, 10th and 11th of December 2022 at the Schungfabrik cultural centre in Tétange and will complete the Den neie Mineur project series.


Friday 9 and Saturday 10 December at 8 pm

Sunday 11 December at 5 pm

Doors open 1 hour before the performance.

Closing night

The “closing evening” for the Esch2022 projects of the municipality, includes two performances which will take place on Friday 17th December 2022 in the “ Salle Schortgen” of the Schungfabrik Cultural Centre, Tétange. Doors: 19:00 / Performances: 20:30

  • “Le Gant du Pied” - In 1955, amateur filmmakers Levy and Laux documented the operation of the Hubert Frères shoe factory in Tétange. Discover this historical document in its brand new digital version by the CNA with the special sound creation by composer Pol Belardi.
  • Psilicone Puppet Theater - An audio-visual performance created by Lithuanian artist Auksé Petruliené and MUAR - Museum vun der Aarbecht. This remix of the industrial histories of the Kayl Valley and Kaunas will be accompanied by the improvisations of Pol Belardi. His live music performance thus incorporates industrial sounds recorded in the region’s remaining factories (Massard foundry and Cimalux). The semi-improvised set will be in close dialogue with Aukse’s handling of the psilicone puppets.

End of season concert, 18 December 2022

An exclusive concert - Gipsy Kings by Patchaï Reyes will take place in the Salle Schortgen of the Schungfabrik Cultural Centre.

Current projects

The Great Industry

This Lithuanian exhibition is open at the FERRUM Museum until the 17th of December 2022. This year, Esch2022 shares the title of European Capital of Culture with Kaunas in Lithuania. To promote this link and highlight the common values and history of industry, a collaboration was created between the community platform Backup Stories of the M.K. Čiurlionis National Museum of Art and the MUAR. The exhibition “The Great Industry” invites to discover a selection of the Lithuanian worker’s memories, community stories and documentary photos, examples of industrial productions and contemporary artworks curated by Auksé Petruliené.

MUAR - Museum vun der Aarbecht a.s.b.l

An initiative developed within the framework of Esch 2022, the MUAR has since its inception, in October 2021, organised numerous events and two exhibitions dealing with the theme of work. The first work museum in Luxembourg is a museum without walls that aims to honour the industrial and cultural heritage of the region by organising workshops for young people, readings, conferences, a new podcast and this in different locations: the Schungfabrik, Léiffrächen, FERRUM museum, and across the whole Minett region.

The main project of the MUAR was setting up the exhibition: “Working Class Heroes” - a tribute to three workers (Jean-Pierre Bausch, Léon Weirich and Jean Schortgen) who became “députés”. This exhibition, curated by Marie - Paule Jungblut, is currently on display at the Picture Gallery in Kaunas, Lithuania

The MUAR has collaborated with neighbouring municipalities, the University of Luxembourg, as well as other relatively new organisations such as FERROFORUM, Minett Unesco Biophere, IK - CNCI. The a.s.b.l. has established partnerships with the CSL – Chambre des salariés and the LISER with whom a bright future is emerging and joint projects are being developed. The Ministry of Labour has recently expressed its support for co-financing the a.s.b.l. in the future along with the municipality of Kayl and the MUAR will host its first European collaborative exhibition next February.

(Partners: University of Luxembourg (LU), Ecole supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc de Liège (BE), MUAR - Musée vun der Aarbecht, Kayl (LU), Musée de la Fonderie, Molenbeek (BE), Musée le Bois du Cazier, Charleroi (BE), DASA Labour Exhibition, Dortmund (DE).

Find more information here:

Kayl website -Bienvenue - Administration Communale de Kayl

MUAR website -Home - MUAR Luxembourg | Musée vun der Aarbecht

Esch2022 website-


  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • esch2022
  • kayl

About Esch2022

Esch2022 is the European Capital of Culture 2022, featuring the town of Esch-Alzette, the ten other Luxembourg municipalities of the Pro-Sud union and the eight French municipalities of the CCPHVA region. The slogan of Esch2022 is “Remix Culture”. Production work on the implementation of all of the themes is being carried out in close cooperation with the municipalities, the ministries and other partners. Esch2022 is managed by the association ‘Capitale européenne de la culture 2022 asbl’. In 2022, two other cities in Europe will hold this title: Kaunas in Lithuania and Novi Sad in Serbia.


Jessika Rauch

Press contact Lead PR & Media Esch2022 +352 28 83 2022