Blog post - Urges Safety Steps for Winter Driving

Leading car finance comparison site, has urged motorists to prepare for winter by ensuring all of their vehicles are suitable for the harsher conditions (especially those looking to buy or car lease because they can get winter extras from dealers).

Experts have warned that although temperatures have not been consistently below zero recently they will be soon and motorists could still be at risk and are urging motorists to take a number of steps to prepare for winter. Simon Norman from FinanceAcar said "There are at least five essentials to consider when winter starts to bite drivers and the most obvious thing to consider is winter tyres. In the cold snap last year thousands of motorists were stranded simply because their tyres literally froze providing little to no grip on ice and snow". According to the AA "a minimum of 3mm (which is the width of around 3 CDs) is required because it clears water more efficiently than the minimum legal requirement of 1.5mm". allows both businesses and consumers to compare and get the cheapest monthly price for the car that they want to drive. It provides monthly prices for 6,000 cars based on hire purchase, personal loans, car loans and car leasing from top UK lenders and dealers.

Other important things to consider for winter are:

(i)    Batteries: make sure your battery is up to scratch for the cold season. If it isn't you need to be careful. If you do a lot of short journeys you'll either need to make a long journey a couple of times a week or obtain a trickle–charge the battery;

(ii)    Screenwash: Make sure you have enough wash with the correct additive at the right concentration – you can pick up good screenwash additives from Tesco or ASDA;

(iii)    Washing Your Car: You need to wash your car to remove salt and dirt that builds up over journeys through snow and ice and mud. This is important as rust can start to eat your car – especially if you have stone chips;

(iv)    Keep your fuel tank at least half full: You don't know what could happen on frozen roads with accidents and traffic. You should not let your tank get lower than half because if you are caught somewhere you can run the engine and keep warm;

(v)    Careful Driving: Beware fog and ice and always travel with caution and at a safe distance from the car in front of you. Drive with your headlights on at all times and keep your eyes out for dark ice.

FinanceAcar is warning any businesses or consumers looking to buy, use hire purchase or car leasing for a new car during the winter to take the issue of winter conditions on the roads very seriously and look to negotiate winter tyres as a part of their deal.

For more information on FinanceAcar, visit their website


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