Press release -
HMRC’s landlord campaign brings in more than £50 million
A campaign aimed at helping residential landlords get their tax affairs in order has brought in more than £50 million, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) announced today.
The Let Property Campaign, which HMRC launched in September 2013, is now one of the tax authority’s most successful voluntary disclosure opportunities.
More than 10,000 landlords have come forward to disclose tax on previously undeclared income under the campaign.
To help landlords further, HMRC also announced today that it will be running a Twitter Q&A evening from 6pm to 9pm on Tuesday 20 October 2015.
The Twitter Q&A will be run in partnership with a number of landlord professional bodies. These will each have 30 minutes to answer questions relating to wider aspects of renting out residential property, providing a one-stop shop for landlords to get rental advice throughout the evening.
HMRC’s section on tax is from 6pm-7pm and hosted on @HMRCcustomers.
Caroline Addison, Head of Campaigns at HMRC, said:
“The Let Property Campaign bringing in more than £50 million is further proof that our campaigns approach works. HMRCs 20 campaigns have now together generated over £1 billion across a variety of sectors.
“We want to help educate landlords, so the Twitter evening will give people a chance to get their questions answered by a group of expert organisations.”
Throughout the Let Property Campaign, HMRC has written to over 80,000 landlords and over 50,000 customers have used the campaign’s online educational products.
Notes to editors
1. The Twitter evening will be held from 6pm-9pm on Tuesday 20 October. HMRC’s section will be hosted on @HMRCcustomers and the whole evening can be followed using the hashtag #UKlandlords.
The full schedule for the evening is:
6:00 - 7:00: HMRC (on @HMRCcustomers) will be answering questions on current tax law for landlords
7:00 - 7:30: the Residential Landlord Association (on @RLA_News) will be answering questions around official documents each landlord needs
7:30 - 8:00: the Association of Residential Letting Agents (on @arla_UK) will be answering questions about dealing with letting agents
8:00 - 8:30: the National Landlord Association (on @nationalandlord) will be answering questions about end-of-tenancy issues
8:30 - 9:00: Mydeposits (on @mydeposits) will be answering questions about protecting tenants’ deposits
To participate in the Twitter evening people should send their questions to the relevant Twitter handle including the hashtag #UKlandlords.
2. Campaigns offer an opportunity to people to put their tax affairs right under the best terms available. They provide tools and information that make it easier to be compliant.
3. Previous campaigns have included ones directed at medical professionals, plumbers, tutors and coaches, electricians, online traders, solicitors and health professionals.
4. For more information plus help and support on the Let Property Campaign, landlords can call the dedicated campaign helpline on 03000 514479 or visit
5. Follow HMRC Press Office on Twitter @HMRCpressoffice.
6. HMRC's Flickr channel:
Issued by HM Revenue & Customs Press Office
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is the UK’s tax authority.
HMRC is responsible for making sure that the money is available to fund the UK’s public services and for helping families and individuals with targeted financial support.