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​Hövding CEO in London for a large conference on the changing face of road safety

The Hövding CEO Fredrik Carling is presenting the world's first airbag for cyclists to a hundred delegates at a conference on the changing face of road safety in London on 24 January.

The Road Safety Conference will focus on the challenges and opportunities faced by those involved in road safety in the UK. It will also focus on developments that could help make cities safer and bring about a safer future and a better traffic environment in cities such as London.

"It's an exciting opportunity. We're aware that there is a great deal of curiosity and interest in Hövding in the UK", says the Hövding CEO Fredrik Carling. This is particularly true after the acclaimed "Give a beep" campaign, which attracted a lot of attention and reached over 100 million people.

The conference is organised by the London Road Safety Council, which this year celebrates its 100th anniversary. It will be attended by approximately 120 delegates consisting of a mix of politicians, decision-makers, opinion-formers and industry representatives, all active in road safety in their own particular fields in cities throughout the UK.

"Greater safety isn't just about behaviour and infrastructure. Innovative new products can also help create a safer traffic environment. Hövding's participation is a confirmation of the role that Hövding can play in making cycling safe", says Fredrik Carling.


Find out more about the conference here:


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure


  • airbag for cyclists
  • hovding
  • safety
  • cycle helmet


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