Press release -

100Million Challenge Puts Hövding On The Global Map

Earlier this year, Mynewsdesk launched their #100Million Reach Challenge, setting themselves the task of reaching 100 million people with a campaign for one of their customers - without knowing which campaign or customer that would be. Hövding were selected and the result was Give a Beep, a campaign which saw London's cyclists report potential or actual hazards on the city’s roads directly to the mayor, Sadiq Khan, via a digital button. 100 million people were reached by the story and over 2,200 “beeps” to the mayor have been registered. And now, Hövding is planning to roll-out the initiative on a global scale.

To demonstrate the capabilities of its digital communication platform,

Mynewsdesk launched their #100Million challenge. Following hundreds of applications, the Swedish company Hövding was chosen as the winner of the campaign, with their airbags for cyclists. The campaign was launched in early June and the initiative was Give a Beep where London's cyclists could highlight dangerous traffic areas by emailing the mayor in real time. Over 2,200 London locations have been tagged so far and the campaign has now reached its target of 100 million people.

“The campaign has shown that the scope isn’t everything; telling stories in

the right way is the key to successful communication. With our tool, we have contributed to positive change and reached out to a number of the world’s capital cities who now want to do the same”, said Jonathan Bean, Chief Marketing Officer at Mynewsdesk.

All companies have a story to tell, but instead of focusing on your brand, think about why you do what you do. With Hövding - their product is a cycling helmet but their reason for existence is because they want to help protect cyclists and save lives. And with that story Mynewsdesk and Hövding reached over 100 million people.

Since the launch of Give a Beep, we’ve had requests from all over the world - from governments and bicycle organisations - and this has encouraged Hövding to roll-out the campaign to other capital cities.

“Hövding’s ambition is to protect the safety of cyclists, both through our airbag for cyclists, but also through creative initiatives such as Give a beep. The power of Mynewsdesk's tools made it possible to reach a wide audience. The #100Million Reach Challenge has been a fantastic project - but this has been an isolated London Project. Now there is a global interest to take the concept further and help to make more of the world’s cities safer for cyclists” says Anna - Katarina Skogh , Marketing Director at Hövding.

Sofia Juhlin

Head of Global Marketing Communication & Brand

0763-40 04 04

Anna-Katarina Skogh

Marketing Director

076-046 44 32


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