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An airbag for cyclists - The Christmas present for 2014?

The autumn darkness is descending and Christmas will soon be upon us. Time to start thinking about Christmas presents! Bread-makers, sat-navs and juice-extractors – the best-sellers at Christmas usually reflect the times we live in and are often connected with a renewed interest in something. The Hövding airbag cycle helmet fits in well with this. Could there be a better Christmas present for someone you care about?

"The Hövding is the biggest thing to happen since the cycle helmet emerged and is a milestone roughly equivalent to when cars began to be fitted with airbags", says Maria Krafft, Head of Research at the Swedish insurance company Folksam and an Associate Professor in Traffic Medicine.

The Hövding is an unobtrusive collar that the cyclist wears around his or her neck. The collar contains a folded airbag that only becomes visible when it is involved in an accident. The airbag is designed as a hood that envelops and protects the cyclist's head. The trigger mechanism is controlled using sensors that register any abnormal movements by the cyclist.

Cycling to and from work and school is a growing trend internationally. More and more cities are investing in cycle paths and infrastructure to improve conditions for cyclists. The growing number of cyclists also means a greater risk of cycling accidents resulting in injuries. The most common cycling accidents are accidents involving a single vehicle and in the autumn and winter they are often caused by poor road conditions and poor visibility.

"Many serious injuries and even deaths among cyclists could have been avoided had they been wearing a cycle helmet. The Hövding provides excellent shock absorption and protects even more of the head than traditional helmets", says Frederick Carling, CEO of the Hövding innovation company in Sweden.

Since its launch, the Hövding has experienced rapid expansion. The helmet is on sale in over 300 shops in 13 European countries. Demand for the Hövding has grown internationally and the product is being sold in more and more shops as well as on-line. The Hövding helmet costs SEK 2,695.

"We are seeing a great deal of interest in the Hövding and rapidly increasing sales. What could be a better Christmas present than to give someone you love a cycle helmet that could save their life, or why not buy a safe Christmas present for yourself?", says Fredrik Carling.


  • Lifestyle, Fashion, Leisure


  • accident
  • airbag
  • airbag for cyclists
  • cycle helmet
  • cyclist
  • gadgets
  • invisible bicycle helmet
  • invisible bike helmet
  • safety
  • christmas
  • christmas gift


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