Press release -

Jadu establishes partnership with GovDelivery and opens up new channels for Government to Citizen communication


Jadu, a leading provider of web transactional systems, has established a global partnership with GovDelivery to open up new channels for Government to Citizen communication. GovDelivery has become an Enterprise Delivery partner for Jadu, and will be developing a range of integrated widgets for the Jadu MarketPlace to open up new channels for Government to Citizen communications.  

 Local and Central Government is increasingly using multiple digital channels to communicate with citizens. GovDelivery provides a digital platform that can be used in all levels of government, local and central and allows website visitors to subscribe to information of specific interest to them, creating a personalised portfolio of relevant information. When this content changes, GovDelivery automatically sends multi-channel messages alerting them of new or updated information, encouraging subscribers back to the website.  

 Jadu customers will be able to implement GovDelivery widgets that allow citizens to self-serve based on their interests, increasing citizen control over their online interactions and the richness of the experience. Additional benefits to Government include the abilit y to maximise direct communication with the public; reach a greater number of people and streamlining of communications across email, SMS, social media and other channels.

 “We are delighted to be partnering with Jadu, bringing advanced proactive communication capabilities to their transactional Web Content Management System. Achieving channel-shift is a major priority for many of our clients and the potential benefits of using Jadu and GovDelivery together is already generating significant interest”. Dave Worsell, Director, Government Solution, GovDelivery UK.

 “The Enterprise Delivery partnership with GovDelivery to develop widgets for Jadu’s MarketPlace will broaden the depth and breadth of applications available to Jadu and GovDelivery customers worldwide. We welcome the relationship with GovDelivery as a route to delivering top class citizen communications ”  James Robinson, MarketPlace & Partner Manager, Jadu Limited.



  • Public sector


  • communication
  • internet marketing and web content management
  • government
  • web transactional systems
  • govdelivery
  • jadu

About GovDelivery

GovDelivery is the leading provider of government-to-citizen communication solutions. GovDelivery’s digital subscription management solution provides organisations with a fully automated, on-demand public communication system.  Organisations using GovDelivery provide citizens with better service and access to relevant information by proactively delivering new information through email, SMS, RSS and social media channels. GovDelivery serves more than 450 government organisations worldwide including both local authorities and the central government agencies in the United Kingdom and more than half of major U.S. federal agencies. Government organisations use GovDelivery to leverage existing resources to save time, effort, and cost while reaching and expanding target audiences. GovDelivery is a partner company of Internet Capital Group (Nasdaq: ICGE).

 For more information, visit

 About Jadu

Jadu is a leading global provider of web transactional systems, specialising in the design and development of enterprise wide websites, intranets and extranets. Jadu powers hundreds of government and private sector organisations across the world and is a leading innovator in providing customers with the tools needed to simplify and empower the web publishing and management process. Jadu's underpinning semantic-web strategy is "to make content accessible to humans and machines". This is delivered by Jadu’s innovative web transactional solutions that enable customers to organise, manage and publish their information across the enterprise. Jadu empowers organisations and users to generate a maximum return on their investment (ROI) in web technologies.

 Innovation is a key driver in the ground breaking functionality delivered by Jadu solutions which include - integrated online forms, mash up page design, integrated Google search, personalisation, full statistical reporting, web standards compliance, accessibility compliance, product and catalogue management, along with a host of other web productivity tools and unparalleled support service. The launch of Jadu MarketPlace will enable users of the Jadu platform to access and implement new functionality and integration much more easily through web widgets (apps), re-usable web parts and forms.

 For more information visit:  and