Blog post -

Exergame reflect on Active London

In this blog, Joseph Icarangal, Owner of Exergame, reflects on last week's Active London conference.

Exergame were thrilled to have participated at Active London 2022 as official partners in collaboration with London Sport. This was their first in-person event held since 2019 which promised much and delivered even more, with an incredible line-up of speakers and panel discussions. 

Attendees ranged from local councils and charities to private sector businesses and NGBs - all with the common purpose of getting people happier and healthier through physical activity.

The lure of a top prize, a set of BlazePods worth £429, had those with a competitive nature (continuously) returning throughout the day to improve their score and to stay top of the leader board. The eventual winner, Luke Thompson (Sport England), won with an impressive 67 hits in 30 secs. A chuffed Luke said, "I’ve had my eyes on these for a while and have wanted to buy a set of BlazePods for some time."

Exergame fully believe in the need for alternative and innovative ways to help people become more active. Traditional exercise and sports aren’t engaging all levels of our communities. Our aim is to get all genders, ages and demographics of society to become more active, enabling them to lead happier, healthier lives.

Embedding technology into non-traditional spaces

'Activating places and spaces through technology' - one of the talks at Active London, demonstrated how technology can make a difference in non-traditional spaces, as seen in our work at Mottingham Library.

In collaboration with and with great support from London Sport, Exergame installed an interactive projection system aiming to engage and delight guests of all ages at the library.

Feedback from the library manager has been extremely positive with the facility experiencing increased participation, dwell time and repeat visits: 

  • "We’ve already exceeded the targets outlined"
  • "The adults have been very responsive and pleased for the children to do something active and productive. Interestingly, even when the sessions have been aimed at children, we’ve found the adults can’t resist playing themselves!"
  • "The age range has been from pre-toddler to retired - so it certainly appeals to all age groups"
  • "It has certainly been a great success here and as word of mouth spreads, I’m convinced we’ll get even more use out of it"
  • "….most users have gone on to look at books or join in the children’s story time or rhyme."

Following on from the success at Mottingham Library, talks are already underway with other councils and library facility managers that were present at the event. We are confident we will achieve similar results in many other libraries across London in the near future.

Exhibiting at Active London has given Exergame the platform and access to our ideal set of clients. Most share a passion and mission to help and improve lives through the medium of physical activity.

The products exhibited at Active London 2022:

BlazePod - synchronising physical and cognitive exercises, these uniquely designed portable lighting pods create visual cues and prompts to enhance performance and improve speed, agility, and reaction times. Used by schools, sports teams, gyms and offices.

Tover - projects interactive games and vibrant images onto a surface such as a table or floor. The varied games respond to the movements of the players and have one thing in common: they have a serious purpose besides providing pleasure and entertainment.

tWall - a high-tech reaction trainer utilising light pulses to elicit targeted movements. tWall offers users fun training sessions that improve reaction time, coordination and mobility. A hugely popular product that’s suited for gyms & fitness studios, recreation centres, schools, reception areas, shopping malls, entertainment venues and more.

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  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


  • active london
  • exergame


  • Greater London


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