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Arab Spring. New painting by Mas.s depicting the beauty of Arab landscape.

The 2nd painting in his series"Arab Spring" depicts a landscape in Northern Iran. He says "We often forget how beautiful this part of the world can be, reminding me of what we all share in this beautiful world. Looking at what unites us instead of dividing us. People working this land must also be in awe of this every day spectacle. Beauty unites. We should all be more aware of that. It would make the world a better place to live."

The huge mountain range in the background and the outstretched fields are a perfect setting for the colourful poppy field and the olive trees in the spectacularly coloured soil. Mas.s says "The variation in colour and the grandeur of the scenery moved me deeply, I had to share this with my canvas."

100 x 70 cm oil on canvas.

More of his work can be seen at, at Gagliardi gallery on the Kings road in London. ( or at Gagliardi at the Affordable Art fair in Battersea on the 7th to the 10th of March. (


  • Art


  • Mas.s
  • landscape painting
  • painting
  • arab landscape
  • arab
  • arab spring


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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