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Never Alone! A breathtaking picture of a landscape at Dawn. The light is always shining, in the moon, in the stars and beyond the horizon.

Mas.s is contending to show this picture at the London Biennale in January 2013. His next step to recognition of his positive themes, special skills and approach. He has combined various techniques to bring this beautiful picture alive. "I hope that people see and feel the splendour of nature, pulling them above their daily perception of life and showing them the beauty of nature and the universe".

In this rather large (155 x90 cm) landscape he has used the light in a different way. He says "Just before sunrise when the landscape is still dark but the sun is already marking the sky with its imminent rise, pushing away darkness. It is like a continual fight between darkness and light, I like that idea. The light always winning that is.  It is a breaking news. Every day anew. How often do we stand still by this natural spectacle". He has continued this theme in the landscape with light and dark patches.He developed this painting on his previous work called "Never Alone!" which he has potrayed the sky at night. He is working on a similar versions for the day and dusk. I am just mesmerised by the sky. It brings everything into perspective.


  • Art


Marcel Schreur

Press contact Visual Artist 0777 232 1772

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