Press release -

Council supports artists and entrepreneurs by agreeing to stock locally made products

Products made by Mid and East Antrim based craftspeople, artists and entrepreneurs are to be stocked within Council’s Tourism Centres and shops located at local tourist attractions.

Elected Members on Mid and East Antrim Borough Council last month agreed a proposal put forward by Alderman Audrey Wales MBE, asking that Council continues to support local businesses by stocking and promoting their products.

Speaking afterwards, Alderman Wales said:

“Mid and East Antrim Borough Council offers the best range of support packages of any council in Northern Ireland for stimulating entrepreneurship and indigenous growth.

“We have such an extensive programme of support available, from the Go for It initiative, enabling new businesses to get off the ground, to Kick Start for early stage businesses and social enterprises, and so much more.

“With the redundancies that have occurred in this borough during last year and the ones I fear will happen as the furlough scheme draws to a close, this is the next positive step for us take.

“I know when I go on holiday I want to buy a gift made in the town or area I am visiting, and one with a local story.”

While our tourism and visitor facilities are currently closed to the public in line with Coronavirus Regulations, artists and craftspeople who would like to express an interest in having their products stocked are asked to email


  • Politics, general


  • economic development
  • environment
  • #ourmea
  • #meadventures
  • tourism


  • Northern Ireland

Notes to editors:


Chris Kilpatrick

Press contact Head of Communications

Deborah Cummings

Press contact Press Officer

Aisling Maguire

Press contact Press Officer