Press release -

Giant steps towards recovery for tourism in Mid and East Antrim

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council (MEABC) has been announced as the official sponsor of the new series of ‘Ulster Giants’ – UTV’s series which celebrates Northern Ireland’s rich civil engineering heritage. 

The announcement comes as hundreds of hospitality and tourism businesses and attractions across the Borough reopen to the public following the COVID-19 lockdown period.

Presented by Joe Mahon, ‘Ulster Giants’ uncovers the inspiring stories behind gigantic structures across Northern Ireland and the people who created them. Airing on Monday evenings on UTV at 8pm, the show is produced by Westway Films in collaboration with ICE Northern Ireland.

Councillor Peter Johnston, Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, explained that the Council saw great synergies with the popular television programme. 

“Alongside celebrating Northern Ireland’s built heritage and infrastructure, ‘Ulster Giants’ showcases some of the province’s most breath-taking scenery and areas of outstanding natural beauty, many of which can be found right here across Mid and East Antrim,” he said.

“The local tourism industry is absolutely vital to the Borough’s economic, social and cultural health – creating employment and wealth, boosting exchequer returns and enriching local communities. As a Council, we are committed to doing everything we can to proudly showcase our compelling tourism offering of destinations, attractions and activities along the Causeway Coastal Route.

“Our decision to sponsor this hugely popular UTV series does exactly this and forms part of our wider tourism strategy and post-COVID recovery plan, led by our Hospitality and Tourism Recovery Task Group.”

Led by Council, the ‘MEA Hospitality and Tourism Recovery Task Group’ is working collaboratively to deliver a recovery plan to restore and sustain growth in the industry locally in the aftermath of COVID-19. This has included establishing a range of practical support interventions focused on delivering solutions to the immediate needs of local businesses in the Borough.

MEABC’s sponsorship of ‘Ulster Giants’ forms part of a bespoke, phased marketing and communications plan that will target specific market segments such as ‘staycations’, day-trippers and visitors from GB and ROI, aligned to evolving government guidance.

A portfolio of ads airing during each episode of the series has been specially commissioned by MEABC to showcase a range of destinations and attractions across Mid and East Antrim, including The Gobbins, Portglenone/Glenoe, Ballygally and Slemish.

The series will also feature a number of Mid and East Antrim’s most iconic civil engineering feats, including the Irish Salt Mines at Carrickfergus and flood prevention at Drumahoe (Monday 13 July), the re-roofing of Carrickfergus Castle (Monday 02 August) and the Whitehead Railway Preservation Society (Monday 02 August). 


  • County council issues


  • environment
  • mayor
  • #ourmea
  • #getmeactive
  • tourism
  • #meadventures


  • Antrim

Notes to editors:


Chris Kilpatrick

Press contact Head of Communications

Deborah Cummings

Press contact Press Officer

Aisling Maguire

Press contact Press Officer

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