Press release -

Good to Go as Gobbins welcome back visitors

One of Northern Ireland’s most exhilarating tourist attractions has welcomed its first visitors as lockdown restrictions begin to ease across the country.

Islandmagee’s spectacular rugged coastal walk at The Gobbins is situated along the Causeway Coastal Route, recently hailed as one of the World’s Most Beautiful Road Trips.*

The outdoor coastal adventure experience although globally renowned, is catering for all those budding ‘staycationers’ who want to rediscover the beauty right here at home.

With hand sanitising stations, one way systems and numbers limited for tours, safety is of utmost importance as explorers get to enjoy the crashing waves and sea air along the breath-taking basalt cliffs.

The brand new website means it’s easier than ever to book tickets and the path will be open 7 days a week to ensure plenty of opportunity to become enchanted with the sheer beauty this rugged coastline has to offer.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr Peter Johnston said: “It’s so exciting to see this fantastic attraction back open for business. It’s Good to Go accreditation will hopefully reassure visitors that not only will they get to experience a walk that wows but also keeps them as safe as possible as we all begin to adventure outdoors again.

“Part of our upcoming plans to help inject a bit of love into our much valued tourism industry here in Mid and East Antrim is to help those who wouldn’t usually explore closer to home, to rediscover what’s right on their doorstep.

“We will continue to work with Tourism bodies to help push that messaging out there and really get momentum behind what amazing assets we have to offer here. If you’re coming down we would love to see your photos on social media tagged #RediscoverMEA so we can get them shared and shout about what world class attractions we have here to explore.

“The unique appeal of The Gobbins is the exposure to nature and the elements in all their glory. Something much needed after the majority of a year spent in closed spaces.”

Weaving its way along the basalt cliffs of the famous Causeway Coast, you will go across a suspension bridge, tunnels and along pathways in an up close and personal experience of the spectacular coastline.

As they travel along the path, visitors have the chance to discover the area’s varied geology, marvel at the engineering triumphs and even spot puffins, dolphins and seals.

The path was originally carved out of the cliff by the Victorians more than a century ago and visitors are walking in their footsteps as they make their way along the path just feet away from crashing waves.

The 1.2 mile-long cliff walk is one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever seen in Northern Ireland and was originally built in the early 20th century.

The centre remains open to check in and visitors are reminded that face coverings are to be worn, unless exempt, in the visitor centre, on the bus and path.

For more information, to keep up to date or book tickets, you can go to

*Research based on Instagram data collated by Pentagon Motor Group.


  • Politics, general


  • #rediscovermea
  • tourism
  • mayor


  • Northern Ireland

Notes to editors:


Chris Kilpatrick

Press contact Head of Communications

Deborah Cummings

Press contact Press Officer

Aisling Maguire

Press contact Press Officer

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