Press release -

​Plans being put in place to pay virtual visits to Mid and East Antrim Museums

Carrickfergus, Larne and Mid-Antrim Museums are busy behind the scenes creating a virtual service for local people to enjoy their heritage as many exciting new digital ventures are being planned.

The staff are working hard from home to bring you insights into the Council’s unique collections and highlighting some of Mid and East Antrim’s very own heritage, so look out for all our upcoming content including an opportunity for us to Celebrate our Industrial Heritage and for you to Explore Your Roots

You can also check out the virtual galleries on Larne Museum’s facebook page.

They will also be taking part in a number of national and international museum campaigns including #museumweek 11-17 May, Drawing day 16 May and International Museums Day 18 May.

They haven’t forgotten about all the parents at home needing to entertain as well as home school their children.

There will be offerings of free educational resources for download including an exciting choose-your-own-adventure story, set in Medieval Carrickfergus.

It’s not your usual story. You’re not just watching what's happening, you're part of it!

You will be able to download it for free along with a range of activities encouraging literacy, numeracy and arts – and you get to learn the real history of the town.

Information on the virtual experiences will be issued on the Council's social media channels and the website.


  • County council issues


  • Antrim

Notes to editors:


Chris Kilpatrick

Press contact Head of Communications

Deborah Cummings

Press contact Press Officer

Aisling Maguire

Press contact Press Officer