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Appeal for information following robbery - Page Moss Lane

Detectives are appealing for information following a robbery in Page Moss Lane this morning, Friday, 23 August.

At around 7.50am, a delivery driver attending Bargain Booze with a delivery was threatened by three men, one in possession of a hammer, before they made off with a quantity of alcohol and tobacco.

The offenders all wore facial coverings and are believed to have left in a white van missing a sliding side door, which was damaged and left at the scene.

It is believed the white van then travelled along Liverpool Road, before almost colliding with a vehicle at the junction of Denford Road and Ackershall Avenue in the Page Moss area shortly before 8am.

The delivery driver was not injured but left extremely shaken by the incident.

Enquiries are ongoing to locate the offenders and anyone who may have information is asked to contact police.

Detective Inspector Sue Hinds said: "The victim was simply carrying out his job and although thankfully not injured, has been subjected to this ordeal on a road which would have been busy with shoppers and cars driving past.

"We are carrying out a number of enquiries in the area including examination of CCTV footage and forensic enquiries.

“The white van would have been extremely distinctive with a missing door and we are sure a number of people must have seen it as it travelled away from the scene and towards the Ackersall Avenue area, where it nearly collided with another vehicle. I would ask anyone who saw the van or has any dashcam footage to please get in touch.

“We also appeal for anyone who witnessed the incident itself or who saw the offenders acting suspiciously, or leaving the area in a white transit van to please contact us.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact @MerPolCC, 101 quoting incident reference 19100471856 or @CrimestoppersUK. Any information no matter how small will be treated with the utmost confidence and could assist with our investigation.


  • Crime


  • robbery
  • knowsley
  • appeal


  • Merseyside