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Appeal after robbery in Farnborough

At around 6.40am on Thursday, 18 January, two men and a woman entered the Co-op, Woburn Avenue, via the rear door. One of the offenders pushed passed a member of staff, causing her to fall over.

Once inside, they demanded staff open the safe and then made off with cash in excess of £4000.

The woman is described as: Black, around 5ft 4ins, wearing dark clothing and aged in her late 20s to early 30s.

The two men are described as:

Man one: Black, around 5ft 4ins, of solid build. Wearing a black hat, black puffer jacket and black trousers. He was aged between his late 20s to early 30s.

Man two: Black, of stocky build and about 6ft. He was wearing black clothing which included a puffer jacket, black trousers and a woolly striped hat. He was also wearing gloves. He was aged in his late 20s to early 30s. He is described as having bulging eyes, which were bloodshot.

Detective Constable Dion O’shea, said: “I am appealing for anyone with information about this incident to come forward and speak to us? Did you see anyone acting suspicously in the area around the time of the incident? Do you know anyone who has recently obtained a large sum of cash that they can’t account for?

“If you have any information, please get in touch as soon as possible.”

If you have any information relating to this case, please call 101 quoting reference '44180022298', or contact Crimestoppers anonymously.


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